It has been said that words, such as abundance, success, and achievement, have no place in Yoga. Now, consider these opposite words: Poverty and failure. Does anyone think poverty and failure are ideas, which we should meditate on? Pain is part of life. If you have a choice, why take the path of pain?
Any sequence of thoughts, whether positive or negative, can become reality when you constantly move toward the end result with faith. Therefore, “I am” is extremely important. Especially if you concentrate, focus, or meditate upon success. For the best results, in every day life, all of us should focus on the positive outcome more often.
When a Yoga teacher, or Guru, leads meditation, you are taught many methods, and visualization is one of them. Yoga meditation can help you in many ways by creating inner stability. In effect, Yoga meditation can lead to positive personality development. This results in self-confidence, improved self-image, better self-esteem, and a Yoga student who is successful in life.
Please bear in mind that success can be many things. Couples, who have a successful marriage, strong family ties, and good friends, might not be materially rich, but they do have wealth and a deep purpose in life.
Do you wonder about your purpose in this life? When your purpose is noble, there is no harm in envisioning success. Yet, you must still find your purpose, calling, or Dharma. Positive energy, without a purpose, can easily be wasted.
When we discuss positive energy, consider a child full of enthusiasm, vigor, and raw energy. Raw energy alone does not usually achieve success. Raw energy, without direction, is wasted; but Yoga meditation can help us envision a purpose, with direction, and produce successful results for the best life has to offer.
Due to past failures, some adults have been conditioned to expect less in life. This is the safe path and the path which is “well traveled.” Yet, Yoga meditation can help us find success by channeling positive energy, with a purpose, into a reality of abundance.
There are some Yoga teachers, and Gurus, who will not agree with this use of Yoga meditation. There is a good reason for this: The mind is very powerful. When the mind is out of control, it can be a very destructive weapon.
Therefore, the mind should establish a positive purpose in life for any plans to succeed. The heart must be true, kind, and noble before you envision success.
How do we start? We start by giving and making acts of kindness a constant daily habit. This does not mean that you surrender to everyone, but you can start by smiling and giving what you can to worthy causes.
Some of us will never give anyone a “break,” for fear of being taken advantage of. This is just another form of self-imprisonment. We have no freedom when we are constantly worried that giving is foolish. Giving, to someone in need, is a gratifying experience and makes life worth living.
Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: “Yoga in Practice,” and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit: