“It is only when the mind truly empties that the body can fully relax.”
In our face-paced hi-tech world the excitement of constant mental stimulation tends to activate our natural flight or fight instinct. High levels of adrenalin and cortisol are released into the blood stream which speed up heart rate, raise blood pressure, thicken the blood, depress the immune system and tense our muscles; all in readiness for an ‘imagined foe’. ‘Adrenalin junkie’ is a term that has been bandied about for a while now. The need for more adrenalin can become addictive and instead of enjoying peace and calm life starts to resemble a marathon! Left unchecked, chronic stress can internally injure our bodies and have disastrous affects on our mental health.
Relaxation and meditation are the antidote for stress. There are many ways of relaxing, but the most effective are when the mind is allowed to ‘switch off’. It is only when the mind truly empties that the body can fully relax. During the process of deep relaxation the effects of stress are reversed: blood thins, blood pressure lowers, the digestive system functions more effectively, muscles relax and the immune system strengthens. Many people also experience a reduction in physical pain as natural pain killing endorphins are released into the blood stream. Deep relaxation also clears the mind of unnecessary information. “An uncluttered mind promotes clearer thinking, better problem-solving and more focused decision-making” Mariélle Renssen, ‘Meditation and Relaxation’. p 9.
Perhaps this is why the time proven practice of Yoga is becoming more popular. Yoga is deeply relaxing and strengthening to the body and mind because it includes the vital component of deep relaxation.
Greg Barnes teaches weekly Yoga classes in Australia’s capital: Canberra. He also works as a Natural Therapist and produces relaxation CDs. For more information Greg can be contacted via email: bodywork@webone.com.au