Improve Your Body and Mind With YOGA

Improve Your Body and Mind With YOGA

If this is your first introduction to yoga, you are about to learn that it is much more than an exercise regime. It could be your first step toward the liberating journey of self-realization. It is known that the body, spirit and mind are intertwined, and bringing them into balance and harmony is the ultimate goal of yoga. With all the stress and turmoil involved in modern day living, there has never been a more urgent need to bring a sense of balance and harmony to our lives.

At the “beginner” level, yoga is an easy and enjoyable way of learning certain postures and breathing exercises to increase strength as well as how to begin letting go of negative thoughts to bring about an inner calmness. The deep breathing and physical exercises will help you to deal with a variety of illnesses, including high blood pressure, pain in the joints and muscles, anxiety, postural problems, weight problems, and even poor elimination. Getting rid of negativity is important because these negative thoughts are stored in our bodies and disrupt the balance of health. The aging process is accelerated by stress, poor diet and a negative attitude. By purifying our body and keeping it supple, we can reduce cell deterioration.

You need not be concerned about your age or fitness level. Yoga is truly for everyone. The most important factor is a commitment to you. Whether you choose to practice on your own or in a class, it’s important to work at a pace you are comfortable with. The benefits are limited only by the time and effort you are willing to spend.

There are many forms of yoga. Hatha (meaning sun and moon) yoga is the most popular in this part of the world. It concentrates on the theory that gaining control over the body is the key to controlling the mind. The postures emphasize balancing opposing forces in the body such as forward bends followed by backward bends, standing postures followed by inversions, left movements followed by movements to the right etc. Your particular path to getting started may be to read up on the philosophy and history of yoga. Or you may want to get an audio or visual program to teach you how to do the postures and breathing exercises. Another plan would be to join a class for proper guidance and the social aspect. Some basic guidelines to keep in mind are: Find a quiet place to practice (no phone, tv, etc) to distract you. You’ll need a mat or carpet for comfort. Wear comfortable clothing and leave your feet bare. Do not eat a heavy meal before starting.

It is important that you progress at your own pace. Yoga is not about competition or guilt. Any amount that you can comfortably do will be a step in the right direction. No matter how out of shape or inflexible you are, with a little practice, you’ll soon feel increased vitality and a sense of well- being. Instead of worrying about “find the time” it will become an enjoyable part of your life.

Jillian is a researcher and writer on many topics such as fitness, health and home finance. She is also a contributor for an anxiety and panic attack informational website at Panic Away []

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