Zinc Attack!


Minerals are sometimes overlooked as essential elements for our body. Zinc is vital to both humans and animals. It is found in all the cells in our body.

Zinc has a lot of functions. Here are some functions of zinc…

It stimulates the chemicals that promote biochemical processes in the body.

It helps in the maintenance of a healthy immune system.

It is required for wound healing or in healing injuries

It is important in maintaining your healthy sense of smell, sight and taste

It is required for proper DNA synthesis

It aids in optimal growth and development especially during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence.

It supports sperm development in men and is required for ovulation and fertilization in women.

It is needed in synthesizing protein and metabolism of fatty acids

It contributes to the body’s protection against free radicals

Zinc was found to be very helpful in the following conditions:

Childhood intelligence deficiency

Acne (Zinc controls bacteria and is vital for normal production of oil in the body.)

Infertility (for male)

Contact Dermatitis

Common Cold (Zinc lozenges help shorten the length of having a cold. Zinc lozenges or zinc spray can be used to prevent a cold.)

Down’s Syndrome

Wilson’s disease (This is through interfering the body’s use of mineral copper. Zinc blocks copper absorption.)

Night blindness

Wound healing

In addition to these, zinc aids in the prevention of prostate enlargement and reduction of the size of an enlarged prostate. Zinc is significant in several aspects of metabolism of hormones.

Zinc deficiencies are not as common in developed countries than in third world countries. People with Down’s syndrome, malabsorption syndromes and liver cirrhosis are more or less prone to zinc deficiencies no matter what country they are in.

In addition to these other risk factors include alcoholism, insufficient caloric intake and digestive diseases. Alcoholism decreases the units of zinc absorbed by the body and increases zinc loss in the urine.

Furthermore, vegetarians need to be more cautious because zinc absorption from plants is generally lower.

Zinc deficiency often occurs when there is inadequate intake or malabsorption, when there is an increase in zinc body requirement or when there is increased zinc losses from the body.

There is also maternal zinc deficiency. This can lead to slowed fetal growth. Breast milk does not provide enough zinc for infants 7 months and older. Breastfeeding also drain the mother’s zinc reserves. Thus, foods that are good sources of zinc should be included in her diet.

Deficiency manifests in several ways. These include diarrhea, hair loss, growth retardation, impotence and delayed sexual maturation, and eye and skin lesions.

Impaired wound healing, weight loss and mental lethargy can also be associated with zinc deficiency. However, these symptoms are also too general and too common for other medical conditions. Thus, it is best that you consult your doctor.

Zinc deficiency leads to a compromised immune system. This is because zinc is needed in T-lymphocyte development and activation.

Of course, too much of something is also bad for your health. Too much zinc supplementation can lead to zinc toxicity. This can lead to altered iron function, reduced immune function, low copper status and reduced levels of good cholesterol.

Proper diet and exercise are foundations of good health and nutrition. A multivitamin can mean just plus points to your diet or be as important as eating right. Remember to read labels to know the content and quality of what you are taking. Consult your doctor for the most suitable supplements for you.

Joyce Dietzel writes articles for your-vitamins.com a website dedicated to Vitamins-Supplements-Minerals [http://for-your-vitamins.com/Zinc.html]


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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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