Weight Loss with Negative Calorie Foods


It is a sad fact that 95% of people that lose weight will gain it all back plus more in a year. Losing 20 to 40 pounds on a diet that you struggled and suffered through with hours of strenuous exercise and in the end you are the same weight or perhaps even heavier than you start in a year or so.

It is one of the most depressing set backs anyone could ever have.

Without the right motivation and the right knowledge on taking action you are just going to struggle with your weight for the rest of your life. There is hope though if you have time to learn a new concept of nutrition.

Finally you can eat enjoyably without starving all the time and still eat fewer calories than you would on a diet.

Are negative calories foods real?

Is this possible? Do negative calorie foods actually have no calories, and might even be negative calories? What effect does this have on digesting negative calories

really have? Don’t all foods have energy content to our bodies? Can these foods help eat our way towards weight loss…meaning the more we eat these foods, the greater amount of weight loss we will achieve?

The down side to this topic is the digestion of “negative calories” could potentially have an affect with our “positive calorie” reserves in our bodies. For our bodies to functions we need a certain amount of calories to manufacture energy for a balanced amount of micro and macro nutrients to keep us healthy.

The first time this topic was brought to my attention, believing it seriously did not happen as it seemed to be a fairytale wish. After several weeks of research and study, I have come to the conclusion that the truth about “negative calorie foods” might be possible.

If this is true than I bet you are wondering that weight loss is possible as long as I eat these foods. So is this “negative calorie” true or false?

Negative Calorie Food List


asparagusbeetsbroccolicabbage (green)carrotscauliflowercelerychicorychili pepperscucumbersendivegarliclettuceonionspapayasspinachturnipzucchini



The truth of Negative Calories

All right, the concept of “negative calorie foods is true and false. The truth is that these are some of the best foods to eat for weight loss and healthy living but they are only negative calories it eaten in certain amounts and at certain times. Certain foods speed up and slow down your metabolism but to be certain, besides a slight chance that it takes up more calories to burn your food than it is to eat it, these foods can only be proven to be healthy and nutritionist.

We all must remember a couple things before moving on. All foods have a caloric (calories), nutrient (carbohydrate, fat, protein), and vitamin & mineral (enzyme producing) content.

The list of foods I have put together for you have little energy content after digestion that means our body uses up more energy to digest and absorb the energy and nutrients leaving less in our body’s energy reserves.

So how can “negative calories” be true? Let me give you an example.

Eating a meal with just salad or celery could take more calories digesting it than the actual calories consumed in the salad and celery. Celery is an excellent snack for the negative calorie affect as its energy is condense and compacted.

I must say as a final noted that the complete argument of negative calories being fact or fiction makes further research needed to support this theory.

All foods have calories but determining if these foods take more calories to digest than they actually have is what needs to be continually looked at for the final conclusion to this mystery.

Have a great day and God bless!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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