Weight loss tips, tricks, and tactics – Part 1

Weight loss tips, tricks, and tactics - Part 1

I personal lost 60 pounds in 2003. Here are some tactics I used to lose the weight.

Eat every three hours. This will keep your blood sugar stable. Try to eat real food at least three times a day,Weight loss tips, tricks, and tactics - Part 1 Articles breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between your food meals take a good meal replacement shake or bar.

Never eat a carbohydrate by itself. This is basically all sugar. When you eat a carbohydrate by itself there is a sudden increase in sugar in the body. This causes the body to release insulin. However, the body releases too much insulin because it thinks more sugar is coming. The insulin basically grabs the sugar/carbohydrate and stores it to fat for use at some other time. Since your body released too much insulin there is not enough sugar to support the brain function. That is why you feel tired or sluggish. So you’re fatter and dumber.

Watch the gums and mints. Many of these little gums and mints contain calories, sugars, and everything else that is not good for you. Read the labels, if it has sugar in it do not eat it.

Eat foods that have 30% or less, calories from fat. Everyone is on this big no carbohydrate craze. However, did you know that 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories, 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories, and 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories? There are over twice as many calories in a single gram of fat, than in a protein or carbohydrate.

To find out how many calories are from fat check the label. The label will list the total calories and then list how many calories are from fat. If there are 100 total calories, and there are 70 calories from fat, that’s 70%, too high.

Give yourself one reward day to eat and drink whatever you want. You worked hard all week, reward yourself.

Alcohol is a converted to a sugar. Save it for your free day. If you do drink, it might also be helpful to take hydroxycitric acid capsules about 30 minutes before drinking. Hydroycitric acid is from the herb Garcinia Cambogia. This interferes with the enzyme that converts excess sugars into triglycerides, lessening the likelihood the alcohol will be stored as fat.

Dr. Jeffrey Banas is a Chiropractic Sports Physician practicing in Mesa; AZ. Dr. Banas can be reached at his office at 480-633-6837, or by visiting his web site at www.personal-weight-loss-help.com

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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