This happens because, following a weight loss method, often forces people to decide between looking good and feeling good, but it should not be that way.
First of all your happiness should not depend on the amount or type of food that you ingest, and secondly, you should most definitely not follow a weight loss procedure that makes you unhappy, that is just not healthy, neither mentally nor physically. If you are thinking that your willpower alone will be enough to endure months after months of cutting back on what you like the most, you are very, very wrong. The fact is that, if you are doing something that you do not enjoy, you will be very well aware of the results it brings, and whenever those results start seeming worthless, then your willpower won’t be enough to boost you through continuing your weight loss procedure.
However, if you try a different approach to the problem, meaning that you actually enjoy following the weight loss procedure of your choice, then the results will only be a bonus for doing what you like, and there will be no need for you to dig deep into your willpower supply to continue with your routine, given the fact that you actually want to continue, whether you lose 1 or 100 pounds.
That’s the weight loss method that I followed, I started eating healthier food just because it made me fell better, and I had pleasure when treating my body with respect and care. As for the exercise I tried martial arts, even though I did not lose that much weight during the first few months, it was very exciting for me to practice this discipline, and after some time I started losing weight and shaping my body without even realizing it. I recommend you do the same, never try to choose between weight loss and your happiness, because they come together as one; just find something that you like doing and enjoy while you shed those pounds away.