Appetite suppressants are often mentioned in various weight loss programs. There are a lot of appetite suppressants out there, and as their name implies – they reduce your appetite. The most powerful appetite suppressants are always acting on your psyche, and that’s why most chemical appetite suppressants can be quite hard on your body. This article will help you deepen your understanding about them, as well as suggest you to choose some appetite suppressants for your weight loss program.
Chemical appetite suppressants. Often sold as prescription medication, they are always a hot subject of debate in the weight loss industry, especially after the incidents involving „Bangkok pills” – weight loss pills that contained illegal drugs and were deliberately sold on the internet. One of the most common synthetic appetite suppressants used today is Phentermine, which, together with Fenfluramine formed the infamous (and now banned) „Fen-Phen”drug combination. Phentermine can have really adverse side effects on your body and is generally used by people who need to lose weight fast, because their obesity threatens their lives.
Natural appetite suppressants. One of the most commonly used natural appetite suppressants is Hoodia – an ancient plant which has come to use in the Western world only recently. Hoodia is often sold purely, since 100% natural diet pills require no approval by the FDA, however, be vary, since it is reported that there are some mixtures sold on the internet that are said to contain Hoodia – but they contain no Hoodia at all. The plant has no reported side-effects so far, though.
If you ask me, natural appetite suppressants are the way to go. It sounds cheesy, but if something can help you with the least possible risk, it is obviously best to go that way. And well, don’t forget that you still have to exercise and adjust your diet, no matter how much pills you take or how many of them you try. That’s the best advice you’ll get, even if it doesn’t sound that great.