Most men and women that I have trained over the years that were interested in weight loss, before meeting me their routine always included the bike or treadmill for 15-20 minutes or so, then proceeding on to the weights for some resistance training. Approximately one out of ten did both, and most either did one or the other. What’s worse is most people watch other people work-out, and they simply incorporate other people’s routine into their own. What they don’t realize is one person’s routine may not be good for the other. Also, who’s to say the person they copied is doing the exercise properly. Fact is, for weight loss and muscle tone you must first exercise with resistance weight followed by a 20-45 minute fat- burning session. Why? When working out with resistance using weights, during the movement your body will mostly rely on sugars (stored glycogen in the muscles) for energy, therefore after a 20-30 minute session your sugars have been depleted causing a decrease in the fat-inhibiting hormone insulin. Now, when you begin your fat-burning session it will be much quicker for your body to deplete your muscle glycogen stores, making it possible for your body to use stored fat for energy in as little as six minutes! Since your insulin levels are low, your body will turn to fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. Also, by working first with resistance weight it increases blood flow dramatically, therefore increasing the concentrations of noradrenaline and adrenaline in the blood. Both are hormones that contribute to the removal of fatty acids out of adipocytes (fat cells).
Once your physical condition is improved, I recommend that you do not stop your fat-burning session at any time until you have completed a minimum of 20 minutes. If for any reason you stop before you are finished, your liver will release sugars in the form of glycogen and start to replenish the lost glycogen levels in your muscles. When you restart your fat-burning session, your body will repeat the same process as when you first started by using muscle glycogen stores for energy. Let me explain a little further. For example, if you did not follow these procedures and started with riding the bike, chances are your blood sugar is at a moderate level, depending of course on what you ate up to six hours prior to your workout. Your body would have to deplete your muscle glycogen stores before it would use fat for energy. Since you are fresh in the gym, this may take up to 20 minutes or more. And if you are like most, after 20 minutes or so you are done.
Now let’s say you are going to do some resistance training, working out with weights. You spend another 20-30 minutes or so again using muscle glycogen stores for energy. If you recall, when you stop the movement, your liver releases sugar in the form of glycogen to the muscles. After your complete workout of about 40-60 minutes your body used all sugars for energy, making it very unlikely that any stored fat was used. Now you leave the gym very tired and weak due to the body’s lacking sugars/carbohydrates. In the worse case scenario you lost weight but most of it was water, and because the body lacked carbohydrates muscle was used for energy. If this happens you lose weight, but it is the wrong kind of weight. You never want to lose muscle. Just fat! If you work out using my methods your body will use sugars for the resistance part of the routine and for only about six minutes at the start of your fat-burning session. During the remainder it will use stored fat (fatty acids) for energy.
Follow the guidelines without question, and you will see what a dramatic difference it will make in the rate your body sheds unwanted fat.
Remember, warmup first, stretch, resistance training, fat burning session, and then cool down for a couple of minutes.
If you want a personally designed weight loss program I can help you achieve your goals quickly and safely directly over the internet.
Johnnie D Jackow Sr is the author of 2 fitness books and he started offering his services on the internet in 1997 and since 1999 he has been rated one of the top weight loss and fitness professionals in the industry. Johnnie Jackow and the services he offers can be found on every major search engine in the WORLD. He has been approached and/or interviewed by several top TV stations and numerous stories have been aired and articles have been written about the online services he offers.
He has personally helped thousands of men and women achieve their fitness goals directly over the internet.
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