Mediterranean Diet It’s All About the Fats


The Mediterranean Diet is nothing new, in fact it was “discovered” by Doctor Ancel Keys of the United States Army in 1945. He observed the diet of the 16 countries that bordered the Mediterranean Sea and was able to find some common factors that most of them shared. Fresh fruits and vegetables were consumed in very high quantities as were cereals, breads. Many countries also consumed beans, nuts, and seeds in generous amounts. Eggs were consumed fairly regularly, and wine was consumed daily although in moderate amounts. The oils used for cooking were primarily plant based oils like olive oil. They consumed only small portions of heavily marbled fats like those found in red meats and dairy consumption was kept to a minimum.

For many westerners this presented something of a nutritional conundrum. Western medicine had taught us to eat low fats foods and avoid high fat foods at all costs. As our understanding of fats and how they are processed by the body changed the opinion of Mediterranean Diet changed. Olive oil is considered a good fat and actually lowers cholesterol in the body. Additionally new studies have shown that olive oil lowers the production of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes which have been shown to help prevent cancer.

While there are many other factors that contribute to the overall health of the people of the Mediterranean region, nutrition is an important part. So by following the Mediterranean Diet you will be able to eat full flavored healthy foods that are good for you and your body.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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