I like using the carrot metaphor to motivate people to lose weight. I do this by reminding you guys of the tone and tight beach body that you could have, or how you will feel looking at that reflection of the fantastic physique staring back at you in the mirror. An since sex sells, it’s also helpful to mention the flattering feeling you get from heads turning as you walk down the street.
But pleasant as it is to imagine those scenarios, the carrot method does not work for everyone. When that happens, it’s time to bring out the big stick, the stick being all the different maladies that can happen to you because of the excess fat around your waist and hips.
So if you are the type of person that needs some fear to get you going in the right direction, hopefully the following will strike more fear in your heart than Jason or Freddy Kruger ever could.
Excess weight can contribute to the constriction of your blood veins. The result from this is that the blood has trouble moving through the arteries, which causes pressure to build up, thus damaging arteries. For those who are obese, the risk of hypertension is 5 times higher as compared to those of normal weight which can lead to stroke, heart attack, or renal failure.
Heart Disease
Fat causes the blood veins in your heart to become clogged, leading to poor blood circulation throughout its chambers. The worse case scenario: heart attack. If it is caught beforehand, coronary artery bypass surgery is performed to replace arteries filled with fat causing plaque. Even though it is a routine operation now, any type of surgery still comes with risks.
This occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin to remove the glucose, i.e. sugar, from your blood stream. Fat makes it difficult for glucose to get inside your cells to do its job. Excess sugar in your blood vessels damages their linings and can contribute to heart disease, renal failure, blindness, nerve damage, and with Type 1 diabetes, it can sometimes require renal dialysis.
Cancer occurs when a group of cells display an uncontrolled growth that invade and destroy adjacent tissue and sometimes may spread to other areas of the body. From studies, experts concluded that cancers of the colon, breast, the lining of the uterus, kidney, and esophagus have an association with obesity.
Sleep Apnea
This sleep disorder is caused by a thick fat neck that obstructs your breathing. In some case obstruction worsens until no air can pass to your lungs for several seconds at a time. Luckily the body instinctively awakens from this to prevent suffocation, however sleep apnea interferes with deep sleep and causes you to miss out on the benefits of REM. The consequence of this is your feelings of fatigue and drowsiness during the day.
So that’s it. Hopefully this information is a big enough stick to motivate you to lose weight. If you want to seriously decrease your risks of suffering from any of the above diseases or disorders, make a plan now to start burning off that excess fat. And remember that once you reach your goal, you’ will not only enjoy better health, the carrots of having a fantastic physique are yours as well.
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