Liquid or Pills?

Liquid or Pills

A lot of people take vitamins A, C, B and much more or just take a multivitamin, before you only had to choose from brand but now not just that you have to choose from liquid or pills. From many choices which its better and more effective to use.

People say that pills are better and don’t trust the liquid vitamins but others say that liquid vitamins is better because the stomach don’t have to brake the pills down. To me I think it is a matter of opinion.

In my opinion you should use what you feel better with. Pill or liquid just make sure is a product you like or trust and does not hurt to do a little research on the product yo plan to use. Know what you want to use or plan to use make sure it’s a good product.

So which is better liquid or pill I think is a matter of preference can’t take pills use liquid vitamins or don’t like the taste os the liquid vitamins then take the pills is your choice.

If you plan to take vitamins or any supplement consult a doctor before you take them, everyone is different and have different needs so always consult a doctor, especially if you are planning to give it to you kids and ask him about any given product you plan to take.

Axel Rodriguez Living a healthy life []

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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