Fat burner myths

Fat burner myths

A surprisingly high number of books by physicians and
nutritional consultants teach that foods in combinations,
or special supplements,Fat burner myths Articles can “turn up your fat burners”.
Publications by the Mayo Clinic, US Government, and other
reliable sources all say this is TOTAL NONSENSE.

If one could ignore calories and eat “fat burner” foods to
lose weight, the combinations would have to work the same
as weight loss drugs, which pose significant health risks.

Here are real ways to “cheat” on weight loss, with drugs /
herbs, surgery.
a) Ingest fewer calories
¤ take something to kill appetite
b) Burn more calories (exercise is safest way)
¤ induce fever
¤ induce agitation & hyper activity
c) discard body mass by artificial means
¤ diuretics, to expel water faster than normal
¤ steam room, sauna, hot clothes, wraps to lose water
¤ laxatives, to interfere with digestion, lose water
¤ induce vomiting
¤ cut off or suck out parts of the body

All of these cheats are risky, most are temporary, most can
cause damage to the body even up to death. Dehydration can
kill quickly.

A safer way is to stuff the stomach with low calorie
vegetables, plus a few almonds, which will satisfy hunger
and leave no room for steak or pie.

“Reality is
not what you think it is
nor what you want it to be
Reality IS”

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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