CoQ10 – A Powerful Antioxidant with Amazing Results


Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, is a fat-soluble enzyme that has shown immense potential in the improvement of human health. A powerful antioxidant, CoQ10 assists in the body’s battle against harmful free radicals that can lead to a variety of diseases and conditions including heart disease and cancer.

CoQ10 plays a large role in the absorption and use of oxygen by your body’s cells. CoQ10 also assists with energy production, the assimilation of various other nutrients, and the strengthening and protection of immune function.

In one laboratory study, mice were shown to live 50% longer when given supplements of CoQ10. New research is focusing on Co Q10 as an effective tool against heart disease.

In 1958, scientists at Merck and Co were the first to synthesize Coenzyme Q10. In the 1960’s, CoQ10’s cousin Co Q7 was used for the very first time to treat congestive heart failure by Professor Yamamura of Japan. In the seventies, the Japanese had a handle on the market and were able to perfect the production of CoQ10 that was subsequently utilized in clinical research trials.

Today, Coenzyme Q10 is a common supplement taken by individuals who are at risk for heart disease or who already suffer from it. Studies have shown an improvement in the symptoms of heart disease patients given CoQ10. The CoQ10 was proven to reduce chest pain, abnormal rhythm, and help the heart return to normal functioning.

Because of the remarkable antioxidant properties of CoQ10, it is also commonly used in the war on aging. There are many skin care products touted to minimize wrinkles and enhance the beauty and health of your skin on the market today that contain CoQ10. Applying this enzyme topically can fight free radicals in the skin, reduce unsightly wrinkling and offer the skin protection from the ravages of the aging process and the environment. Taking CoQ10 in supplement form can also be an effective way to get the anti-aging and cosmetic benefits.

Every day scientists and researchers are learning more and more about CoQ10 and its various benefits. For example, CoQ10 is being studied as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease and has already shown promise.

In addition to being found in manufactured supplements, Coenzyme Q10 naturally occurs in foods like fish, broccoli, whole grain, red meat and eggs.

Nate Scott is a writer and contributor for Vitabase. He is a professional in the areas of health and nutrition. You can reach him at For more information please visit

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