Colloidal Mineral Supplements – What Are They?


Colloidal mineral supplements are actually liquid that comes from humic shale deposits or from aluminosilicate clays. These colloidal mineral supplements, when derived from humic shale, contain a range of properties, including sulfates of iron and aluminum, zinc, nickel, manganese, calcium, chromium, and a number of additional properties. It was several decades ago when this type of supplement became popular. It is referred to as a liquid mineral, and some people question whether it is better than an ionic supplement.

The absorption levels of colloidal mineral supplements is enhanced because these mineral do not have to go through disintegration and dissolution. This makes this type of supplement easier for the body to absorb and therefore makes it effective. As with any other type of supplement, it is important to ensure that you are not sensitive to or allergic to any of the components in this supplement prior to taking it. Pregnant women should also avoid the supplement, and it is wise to check with your doctor regarding the supplement if you have any doubts about usage.

What About Toxicity? – Is This Supplement Dangerous?

This type of supplement comes as a liquid, and it does contain some toxic substances such as lead. However, these substances are present in very small levels, and there appear to be no reports of adverse reaction from those that have been taking this supplement. It is important to ensure that if you do take this supplement, it is taken responsibly and with care. Overdosing on any type of supplement can prove dangerous. The maximum benefits from Colloidal minerals and other supplements come when they are taken as directed.

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Find out what key elements need to be present in your choice of nutritional supplements so you can gain the maximum benefit from them and avoid wasting your money on inferior products.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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