Calories Are in Everything From Carrots to Doughnuts! Are We Getting Obsessed?

Calories Are in Everything From Carrots to Doughnuts! Are We Getting Obsessed?

How many times have you tried to lose weight?

At 35 years old and having been on at least one diet a week since I was 21 – means that I have been on at least 728 different diets! That’s a horrendous thought. Imagine the stress that I put myself through, every time I started a new eating plan and then a few days later when I “gave in” and failed to lose weight yet again. And even worse, I actually got fatter! I knew the exact calorie content of every food I ate.

Surely that is evidence enough to prove that calorie counting doesn’t work for long term weight loss.

It`s horrible the pressure we heap on ourselves as we mentally count every calorie that passes our lips. Just imagine telling someone that they can’t do something that they’ve been doing for most of their lives – do you really think they would quit instantly? Of course not, yet that’s exactly what we do every time we throw ourselves into another bout of calorie counting. It’s enough to drive you mad.

People tell me that they find it impossible to lose weight because they love food so much. Yet they create so much stress and anxiety around food, that by the time they actually sit down to eat, they are in no mood to relax and enjoy themselves. Out comes the cutlery and in goes the food at such a speed that it hardly touches the sides. That`s not enjoyment, that’s a behavior that`s got out way out of hand.

At the end of the day, you can count carrot calories, doughnut calories, sugar calories, even lettuce calories if you like, but while the urge to eat, eat and eat is so strong, it ain’t gonna make any difference whatsoever.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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