Advanced Energy Medicine


How many times have you heard or read something about a magic supplement or
food, only to go out, buy it, and be totally disappointed that it didn’t work – or
worse – you actually felt worse after taking it?


Do you know there are 5 metabolic imbalances, and according to what type of
imbalances you have that’s how you should adjust your supplementation and your
diet to slow aging?

What’s the answer?

Well here it is in a nutshell: We know about the 5 metabolic imbalances or 5
fundamental balances. They are as follows: water/electrolyte balance, anaerobic/
dysaerobic balance, glucogenic/ketogenic balance, sympathetic/parasympathetic
balance, and acid/alkaline balance. Pathology reflects this function in the
fundamental balances of sufficient intensity or duration to cause tissue destruction
or degeneration.

These metabolic control systems determine how efficiently your body and mind
work. They control your energy production, function of the heart, circulation, brain
and nervous system, efficiency of digestion and assimilation of nutrients, control
chemical balance in your blood and cells, regulate your hormone balance, help you
efficiently eliminate the toxic waste products of metabolism, and minimize the
degenerative changes associated with the aging process.

Example: Everyone knows that we need calcium, but what about the person who
takes it and becomes constipated? They decide that calcium is not good for them.
It’s the type of calcium that is not good for them, not calcium in general. We work
with 9 different types of calcium, that are individually precision-tracked. Each one
of these forms of calcium has an entirely different effect on your metabolism and

Example: For instance, we all know that vitamin C is a very useful anti-oxidant, but
with our testing, we show that certain people go into hypo-glycemic crisis from
vitamin C. In others it can push a diabetic into keto-acidosis. Vitamin C is
promoted as an anti-oxidant, yet few people know that it can act as an oxidant and
cause free-radical oxidation damage, and actually accelerate aging. At certain
dosages it actually antagonizes and destroys the activity of vitamin E. Vitamin C can
destroy the pH control of certain patients, making them much more susceptible to
certain physical and mental conditions. It can elevate cholesterol levels in some
patients. It can deplete the body of important minerals such as calcium and
magnesium. Vitamin C can so deplete a person of copper that the blood vessels
begin to break down and the heart is weakened. Yet so many people are
supplementing themselves with large doses of vitamin C with the idea that since it is
a vitamin, it must be harmless.

How can you possibly sort through dozens of nutrients, deciding which ones you
need, and in what proportions? How can a sales person?

The answer is, of course, that’s simply impossible.

Example: Pain is chemical in nature. Regardless of the physical and emotional
factors that are causative in a particular patient’s pain – the irritation of pain nerve
receptors is a chemical process. There are 3 important considerations with respect
to the chemical nature of pain.
1. Pain reflects a chemical imbalance at the tissue level
2. Pain involves a pH imbalance at the lesioned tissue level (acid/alkaline or
3. The occurrence of pain follows a dualistic pattern which means that an acid
tissue or alkaline tissue has elevated pain sensitivity

We run 46 different chemical and clinical tests to understand what imbalances are
predominant in your body. Then we use very specific combinations of vitamins,
minerals, trace minerals, and amino acids.

Even more exciting than the ability to identify fundamental imbalances, is the ability
to correct them. Each of the imbalances has demonstrated its reverseability. When
the person is given appropriate dietary recommendation, along with a very specific
combination of supplements according to their biological individuality.

Your individualized nutrition and supplementation plan, based on your own specific
scientifically determined needs will make an important contribution to making you
as healthy and as strong as you can be – dramatically reducing and slowing the
effects of aging quantifiably – and feeling and looking your best for the rest of your

Christina Earl

With over 40 certificates and diplomas, Christina Earl has become known as an advanced multi-disciplinary biochemical and energy medicine and pain relief specialist, she specializes in Health Breakthroughs for normal and all “impossible” cases. Christina works with the patient to shift all key areas at expert levels: biochemical balance, structural balance, muscular balance, energetic balance, mental/emotional and then spiritual balance. Once the health breakthrough is accomplished, she then focuses on anti-aging and genetic change with the patient. Christina Earl is from Europe, lives in both Canada and the United States, travels widely, taking additional education and giving her battery of over 70 customized advanced health tests either in person, or remotely, anywhere in the USA or Canada. She has a waiting list of press for her articles, and has developed the anti-aging diet. She maintains thriving practices in several different cities []

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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