Don’t we all want to look and feel better, prevent disease and illness, live a longer more vital life and improve the quality of their life in every way possible too?
I have found through my experience as a fitness professional that the best Fitness/Wellness Programs are those designed to help you achieve your goals in the most effective, healthy and time-efficient way possible.
I’d like to share some important and vital steps toward Obtaining Weight Loss and better Health and Fitness Success.
Optimum Nutrition: Fitness results or fat-loss efforts are best if you don’t ever skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The right breakfast is key. You should be eating three nutritionally balanced meals each day, and you should have at least two or three healthy snacks. This keeps your metabolic furnace fueled, so you burn additionally at a faster rate. Healthy fats are necessary to your body for a bunch of reasons: regulating hormonal production, improving immune function, lowering total cholesterol, lubricating joints, and providing the basics for healthy hair, nails and skin. If you are a committed consistent exerciser you should eat a gram of protein per 1 pound of your weight. So if you weigh 120 Lbs. you should eat approximately 120 grams of protein per day. The majority of your carbohydrates should come from vegetables and fruit.
Remember the ones with high water content like, grapefruit, tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupe and strawberries, will fill you up nicely. Eliminate junk foods. Fried foods and white, refined sugar and breads are junk. If you’re trying to lose weight and reduce fat, merely abolish these foods totally from your diet. Drink ample amounts of fresh water. The recommended amount is approximately 8 glasses, or 64 ounces, of water every day. You need to drink even more when you are exercising. Eat frequently throughout the day. You need to be eating three nutritionally balanced meals each day with two to three healthy snacks in between. Your metabolic furnace will be continually fueled and you’ll burn additionally at a faster rate. This seems contrary to what we’ve all been brain washed to believe in the past, but this is the absolute truth.
Dynamic exercise: Set some short-term goals. This enables you to stay on top of your progress and keep you motivated when you don’t feel like exercising. A key fitness “secret” is to keep a journal of your cardio and resistance training workouts, as well as your daily nutritional intake to insure your fitness success. Don’t miss your exercise engagement with yourself. Don’t waist time and more importantly chance injury by exercising incorrectly. Get well-informed on the absolute best ways to exercise. I always recommend hiring a personal trainer to create a program for you and teach you how and what exercises to do correctly. Statistics prove that those who comprehend how to exercise properly get the best results faster. Always stretch first before your work outs. Some benefits of stretching are improved flexibility, better blood flow and muscle recovery, eases low back pain and numerous other things. For maximum fat-loss you need to make your cardiovascular exercise low intensity.
Your heart rate during cardio exercise should not exceed 60% to 75% of your maximum heart rate. Try wearing a simple heart rate monitor during exercise so you always stay in your peak fat-burning range. Take it easy in the beginning of your fitness program. There needs to be a conditioning period before it is safe to move forward more aggressively. Start with two days per week of 30-minute light resistance training (using weights or resistance machines) then cautiously and consistently add more days for a more enhanced outcome. Always work the largest muscle groups with compound resistance movements. This means it incorporates multiple muscle groups at one time and in one exercise.
Resistance (weights or machines) is the best and quickest way to lose fat and tone and firm your body. When you have advanced your fitness level, exercising should get somewhat more rigorous. Endorphins will rush through your veins in an intense workout providing you with the “feel good” drug or “euphoria” that will keep you coming back for more. Try to appreciate the experience and truly enjoy the process. Developing the habit is the hardest part. But I promise if you give it thirty days at least, of your earnest efforts and patients, a little investment of time will pay off with an abundance of healthy and happy befits forever.
Hormonal Balance: Many people complain that they don’t see any weight loss, improved strength, fat reduction in spite of consistent nutrition and exercise programs. This can be truly frustrating. I, my self being 43 years of age have experienced a little of this frustration as well and am now seeing wonderful results after getting my hormones into balance through natural hormone replacement therapy. Hormone (thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and Human Growth Hormone) deficiency is responsible for many of the symptoms of aging. Severe deficiency over prolonged periods of time might result in illness, physical impairment, disabilities, morbidity and mortality. You can literally turn back time, turn back your biological clock 20 years… enhance your sexual performance, remove wrinkles, excess body pattern fat, restore hair color and growth, strengthen your immune system, increase energy and cardiac output, rejuvenate your body and mind, revitalize your heart, liver, kidneys and lungs through current state of the art , anti-aging techniques which includes avoidance of risk factors of disease, optimum nutrition, Dynamic exercise and Training, caloric restrictions, antioxidant therapy, and if necessary hormone replacement.
Hormone replacement therapy is relatively easy to treat and is readily available today. Numerous scientific studies over the past thirty years or more have proven it’s effectiveness in the reversing of the mal effects of old age.
Positive Motivation: Every single thing is the result of thought, and must first be in the mind of the person creating it before the manifestation of the material can exist. Our bodies, success and happiness are unconsciously hereditary patterns and are our subconscious impressions. When we consciously direct our thoughts to our own desires we do this by the same law and our results are just as absolute.
Positive affirmations are fabulous to repeat to yourself daily to insure a successful, positive creation. Affirmations imprint on your subconscious mind what you want to manifest in the present and future. Fix in your mind the mental image or pattern of what you want to manifest or create and it is sure to be realized in the material world. Visualize a mental picture of physical perfection, picture every detail and repeat; 10 times each, 10 times daily. I AM young, beautiful, healthy, happy, harmonious, loving and successful in all areas of my life. You can create your own script for your perfect mental picture or pattern of your hopes, dreams and desires: Repeat your affirmations while looking in the mirror at yourself with love and kindness.
Repetition is the key to yourself and success. Do this faithfully, honestly, rigorously, gratefully and consistently and add with it a daily routine of true spiritual practices and meditation, health, fitness and sound nutritional practices, SYNERGISTICALLY woven into your life and the universal laws will never betray you.
To Your Absolute Success and Health
Sole De Vive~
Jeanette Clinger-Hurley, cpt, can. Health and fitness product innovator 801.427-2391
My name is Jeanette Clinger-Hurley, As a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, Health and Wellness Expert and Health and Fitness product innovator, I and my team have counseled, coached, and trained hundreds of individuals at our Fitness/Wellness facilities “Synergy Fitness Systems”, providing them with some vital principles that have enabled them to reach important goals and achieve fat-loss and optimal health. For more information go to [http://www.jeneratefitness]/> [] or []