Two questions among many have plagued me when it comes to dieting. Are carbohydrates addictive and do they change our bodies over time?
I propose this answer; absolutely yes.
In my case, I have never liked vegetables and could never get past the awful taste that they made in my mouth. I don’t care who made them; my mother, grandmother, friends mothers or even restaurants. Green beans are the nastiest tasting things I have ever put in my mouth. This also includes squash, turnips, spinach, sweet potatoes, etc., etc., and etc.
Notice that I did not mention corn or lettuce. Corn is high in carbs but unfortunately it is one of the only grown crops that I like. And thankfully, lettuce (which is mostly water) is on the carbs good list of good foods to eat.
So what else is on a Carbs good list of vegetables to eat? Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Cucumber, Celery, Zucchini, Squash, Radishes, Bean Sprouts, Spinach, Collard Greens, Asparagus, Eggplant, and Peas. WOW! That’s quite a list except they are too nasty for me. Not one of these has a palatable taste for me to enjoy.
So where does this leave people like myself? Hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza, tacos, barbeque, etc, etc, and etc. Basically, anything sold in Fast Food.
Now all of this leads to my next question. Do Carbohydrates change us? Do we become dependent upon carbs? I believe the answer is yes. Combined with Sugar this becomes a powerful drug. Now I do not have any scientific proof except my own diet. But I can honestly say. Eating non-carb based food still leaves a desire in my system for peanut butter, candy bar, and even honey buns. McDonalds, Hardy’s, Wendy’s, Captain D’s and your favorite restaurant still pull at me when I drive by.
It is like my system has been forever changed. The withdrawal for me is great. I have lost a total of 70 pounds and I was doing pretty well but the temptations finally got the better of me. I would sneak honey buns, pop tarts, and other items after the family went to bed. It satisfied a temporary craving but the damage was still there.
Yes I fell off the wagon for a short time but I am back on. I only gained back 20 pounds but I am re-living the pain of withdrawal while I re-loss the 20 pounds that I gained.
Thank goodness meat was not eliminated. Most definitely Beef, Chicken, and Pork will stay on my plate.
So my point is this. The struggle of weight loss is going to continue to be there. Food is addictive because our bodies need it to survive. We just have to be smarter than our cravings. I have a very boring diet now but I am losing weight. I am searching for food combinations that taste better and they are coming about. I just have to look for them.
So if you and I think that we can go back to our old ways of Fast Food and Restaurants then we are lying to ourselves. Keep the faith and continue to build upon your diet.
Copyright (c) 2006 Buddy Shearer
Buddy Shearer is not a sought-after Internet marketer but rather a regular guy trying to make a living. He can be found at Buddy []