The Low Carbohydrate Diet Craze Hit The Diet Industry Like A Tsunami, But Did It Really Work?

The Low Carbohydrate Diet Craze Hit The Diet Industry Like A Tsunami, But Did It Really Work

The low carbohydrate diet craze hit the diet industry like a
tsunami. Not only did this det revolution increase the profits
of The Robert Atkins Institution but other industries benefited
from the low diet craze. Everywhere you went the food industry
was changing to fit the requirements of the low carb diet. Papa Murphy’s pizza introduced a thin crust pizza that claimed to
have low carbs. Low carb ice cream in flavor that had never been
seen appeared in the grocery coolers of major stores.
Sara Lee introduced a low carb bread.

There was also some fallout from this diet revolution.
The orange juice industry saw a downturn in its profit for the
first time in the history of the industry. Because the diet allowed unrestricted amounts of protein,
including meats, eggs and cheese, and severely limits foods
containing carbohydrates like pasta, bread and fruit the
medical community declared the diet unhealthy.

Dieters all over the world ignored this advice continuing
to count carbs and losing unheard of amounts of weight.
The diet was successful because it works. There are some scientific reasons why this diet works so
quickly. The reason low carb eating works so well is that only
carbs trigger the release of insulin. Insulin is the body’s fat
storage hormone.

The low card diet was very easy to follow. The rules and
principals of the diet were clearcut. Dieters felt free on
the diet. Unlike the Jenny Craig and Weightwatchers diet,
there were no complicated meal plans. You could buy the food
for the low carb diet almost anywhere. There was almost no hunger with the Atkins Low Carb Diet.
For many people trying to lose weight, the constant cravings
for food lead to failure. The proteins in the diet helped the
person lose weight because of a dynamic decrease in food cravings.

Since overeating is the reason most people gain weight, then
being able to eat as much as you like is a definite plus for
a diet. You can eat butter, dry salami, barbecue ribs, and eggs
items that are forbidden on most diets. Dieters were able to
indulge in high protein foods in almost unlimited portions.
This fact is what made the diet so popular.

Success stories from people on the low carb diet were seen on
National tv spots. The news media sought out the average person
who had experienced exceptional weightloss so they could interview
them on the evening news. People dropped 50 lbs in record time.
These were people who had never lost a significant
amount of weight in their lives.

There are various stages to the diet but the easiest way to incorporate
this eating plan is to track carbs. You can start out by cutting out
the sugar in your diet. One of the Harvard Medical schools studies
found that women who traded their usual sugar sweeten beverages and
foods for artificially sweetened options lost 22 pounds in 16 weeks.
In addition when they continued this practice. The weight stayed off
for at least three years.

A suggestion from low carb dieters is to incorporate what they call “trigger fat fighting hormone with oemga-3.” Food like salmon, tuna and flaxseed. Omega-3s fatty acids make it harder for your body
to break down food. The foods stay in your stomach longer. This says the low car experts, triggers some hype of hormone that carries a signal to your body to stop eating.. Foods that contain omega-3 contain heart health fats. The bottom line say these low carb enthusiasts is salmon promotes
weight loss.

The low carb diet demands that you drink 10-12 glasses of water per
day. Drinking water increases your metabolism. Water flushes toxins
Out of your body. The consumption of water can make or break this
diet. There is a medically sound reason for drinking the water. Eating large
amounts of protein is hard on the kidneys. Drinking the water helps the
kidneys wash the fat right off your body.

Fo rmore information on the low carb diet craze to include low carb diet recipes [] try visiting [] where you will find an abundance of information and resources dealing with the low carb diet craze to include information on low carb foods, low carb meals, low carb nutrition, low carb weight loss and low carb meal plans [].

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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