A lot of people live in a world where food is abundant. The individual can have something western today and then have a little bit of Indian the following day. There is a health risk these days known as gout.
Gout is a type of rheumatoid arthritis. A lot of pain will be felt in the joints making the person less flexible.
This problem is often referred to as the “disease of kings” since it only affected members of royalty. Studies have shown this has now affected a lot of rich folk especially those who are obese.
Studies reveal that there are over 3.5 million Americans who have this problem which often occur after the age of 50. This is perhaps because of eating too much and the lack of physical activity.
People who eat a lot of beef, calamari, caviar, pork and poultry will begin to experience this problem because of the accumulation of uric acid in the bloodstream. Studies reveal this happens more often to those that are obese.
There is no known cure for doubt. In fact, there is no known cure for more than the 100 different types of arthritis. The best doctors can do is give medication that can be purchased over the counter or prescribe one if it is very severe to be able to alleviate the pain.
The most effective way to fight gout is to change one’s eating habits. This means cutting down on meat, poultry and certain sea foods and changing this with fruits, green vegetables, brown rice, cereals and bread. This is because these things contain vitamins and minerals which are needed to maintain a balance in the body.
Instead of consuming dairy products that are rich in fat, this should be replaced with those that are non fat. The individual should also drink plenty of water since this is known to ease the symptoms of gout and help the kidneys eliminate the surplus amount of uric acid in the system.
A dietitian can make a plan so the person can keep track of the food being consumed daily. It is also advisable for those who are obese to exercise to be able to lose weight since there is a high chance that someone overweight will also be diagnosed with this disease.
Gout can happen to anyone regardless of gender and sex. Taking the proper steps now by eating right and exercising can prevent this from happening.
Low Jeremy maintains [http://diet-plans.articlesforreprint.com] This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.