The cabbage soup diet is the dream for everyone who wants to follow a diet and people are actually losing ten pounds in a week.
The advantage of this diet is that the more cabbage soup you will eat the more you will lose in weight.
But ask yourself the question is this not to good to be true?
Sure the soup has some advantages but are they equal to the disadvantages such headache
Keep in mind that you can only eat the leaves of a cabbage.
Cabbage soup diet weight loss advantages.
– The more you will eat, the more weight you will lose
– Soup contains a lot of water, and water is a proven way to lose weight
– The diet doesn’t offer many calories.
– If you eat the soup you will have no hunger feeling.
– You can still eat beef if you follow the cabbage soup diet.
– You have to follow it for only seven days.
Disadvantages of the cabbage soup diet
-Some people who had followed the diet said that they have headache if they drink the soup.
– The cabbage soup is in effective way to lose weight, but after you have lost 10 pounds you should move on to another diet.
– Follow the diet for only seven day only.
– Only drink water or unsweetened fruit juice the cabbage diet doesn’t allow you to consume alcohol or soft drinks.
– The main part of the weight loss from this diet doesn’t come from fat, instead it comes from water and muscle mass.
You see I think it is good if you are planning to follow a diet to know the advantages as the disadvantages as well.
It will not hurt you to drink a couple cups of this soup for a few days but you can’t take this as a continuous diet.
The best way to get help about dieting is to go to a nutrition specialist they have studied to solve your problems and in fact they are the only one who can help you about your questions on the cabbage soup diet
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