How Effective Is The Atkins Diet?

How Effective Is The Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet is by far one of the most popular of all low carb diets.

It was first founded in the 1970’s by Dr Robert Atkins. Hecame to the conclusion that overweight people were that waynot because of over eating but by excessive insulin production.

He then decided that overweight people ate more Carbohydratesthan slimmer people. Although in many cases, overweight peopleactually ate less than slimmer people. It was just a case of WHATthey were eating rather than how much.

So he then set about creating a ketogenic fat burning diet. Thisdiet requires the dieter to eat no more than 40 grams of carbseach day. But recommends to take supplements to make sure the bodyremains balanced and is not starved of essential nutrients.

The four main stages of the atkins diet are:

1. The Induction2. On Going Weight Loss3. Pre-Maintenance4. Lifetime Maintenance

The Induction process involves taking no more than 20 grams ofcarbs per day. You should eat proteins and fats plentifully though.This will last for 14 days and should see a vast weight loss duringthis time.

You will then move up to 40 grams of carbs per day and this is calledthe On Going Weight Loss (OWL). You will remain on this process ofOWL until you reach your desired weight.

You will then balance your carbs under Lifetime Maintenance to keepto your desired weight.

The Atkins Diet is a very easy diet to follow and can lead to a rapid weight loss in most cases.

Obviously you should seek medical advice before undertaking anydiet or weight loss program.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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