Today I’m going to review a fast weight loss program that I stumbled on, it was recommended on a forum. The program was Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
So this is officially my independent Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review. You can visit their site by following the link at the bottom of this article.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots program claims that it can help you lose weight on average of 9 lbs. Per 11 days. That’s fast for most weight loss programs.
Interestingly, I do believe that the system works. I was researching once human on metabolism. The human body is smarter than most people think. The human body has a tendency to “memorize” the calorie intake from the past few days and adjust itself accordingly. That’s not all. Our body has a hierarchy on what to burn first and what to burn last for energy. Guess what!? Calorie comes first than fat tissues.
That is why most weight loss programs fail for most people. Limiting calorie intake for weeks would only make the body “memorize” that calorie consumption and adjust accordingly. Which in turn has minimal effects on your weight loss program.
Now, what makes Fat Loss 4 Idiots revolutionary is not on the calorie counting but more on calorie eating pattern.
How does it work? We’ll that’s their secret formula, so I can’t tell you. But I can give you a rough idea. You would let your body “memorize” your calorie intake. Then, you’ll suddenly change calorie intake. Just as the body was used to the “memorized” calorie intake yet with the sudden change, the body then says “Crap! I thought were being fed 1,500 calories today, just like we are getting used to. Now we have only 1,000 calories, this is not enough! …. Hmmm…. Wait! Let’s just burn those fat tissues!”
Get the idea? But you have to know the specifics to let this work. Specifics like: What types of calories you take? How much calories exactly? How long to let the body memorize the calorie intake?
All in all, Fat Loss 4 Idiots provides new system that has potential to work for most people. Mind you, there’s no system that works for everyone. But all I can say is that it’s worth a try.
Start Losing 9 Lbs Every 11 Days with these10 Simple Rules of Diet & Fat Loss!
Fat Loss 4 Idiots. [http://www.burnhtefat.com]
This Article is writen by Mark Chua Freelance Internet Researcher for 2 years now.