Having a high level of cholesterol often gives a way to the regulated diet. And these dietary measures make you compromise on your favorite dishes and recipes. You often feel annoyed of dietary restrictions as you can’t devour delicious dishes in order to avoid fat and lipid content. If you happen to be one with this opinion that dietary restriction means no more recipes that could entice your taste buds, you carry a totally wrong perception.
Even while afflicted with high level of bad cholesterol you can enjoy a host of recipes that are equally tasty. These high cholesterol cuisines are free of fats, lipids and all other content that may intensify deposition of low density cholesterol. Most of these recipes possess low carbohydrate.
A good number of these recipes are prepared with poultry meat, spinach, beans, fishes and asparagus. Usually recipes with great fat content are modified to be suitable for people with high cholesterol. For example, contents of general Spinach Quiche recipe could be changed to suit high cholesterol condition. For that, instead of egg only egg white could be used. In place of regular cottage cheese fat-free cottage cheese can be taken. Similarly fat free substitutes of all fatty products could be added to the recipe. The resulted recipe happens to be equally delicious.
A good number of desserts could be prepared on the same line of fat substitution. In dessert preparation butter could be substituted by unsaturated margarine or canola oil. In the same way skimmed milk is used instead of milk. Sugar content is also suggested to be minimized for cholesterol free desserts.
One recipe that is considered equally good for cholesterol patients as well as blood pressure and heart patients is Mexican Cheese Quesadillas. This cholesterol free recipe is made up of wheat flour, fat free sour cream, jalapeño, cheese free of fat and tomatoes. It also includes salsa prepared by onion.
Southwest Veggie Dip happens to be a very popular recipe among folks afflicted with high cholesterol. Ingredients of this recipe are fat free cheese, tomatoes, skimmed milk, chili pepper and one or two green vegetables.
Cholesterol chicken chili is another popular recipe. This chicken chili is prepared with extra cloves of garlic and beans. Other ingredients are tomato, onions, chili powder, green chili and oreganos. Even normal chicken chili could be enjoyed by high cholesterol patients.
In addition to these there are number of other delicious recipes that could be consumed even if you possess high cholesterol level. So don’t compromise on the urge of your taste buds and keep devouring these cholesterol free recipes.
To get more information on cholesterol recipes, cholesterol food [http://www.urcholesterol.com/] and cholesterol guidelines [http://www.urcholesterol.com/] visit [http://www.urcholesterol.com/]