Change Your Lifestyle?

Change Your Lifestyle

The progressive and continual increase in obesity and weight related problems has resulted in over weight people being told constantly to change their lifestyles. More and more people are now starting to become aware of the fact that dieting at best is a short term solution towards weight loss. The success rates of most diets are ridiculously low. Certain products touted as weight loss aids are virtually useless and can at times be detrimental to your health.

Because people in the know are aware of the failures in conventional dieting and the inadequacies of many other weight loss products, they have come to the conclusion that something else is required to help people to lose weight and lead healthy lives. That something is the mantra ‘change your lifestyle’ being coined.

The fact is for people that are overweight and want to change that situation, they have to change the way that they live their lives. Constant dieting or taking dubious weight loss supplements is not going to help people to lead healthier lives. In many cases these types of methods do more harm to your body than good. The human body likes continuity, is doesn’t like a irregularity in your life, and irregularity is what it gets when you are constantly trying to change what you are doing to it in regards to diet. This is why a plan of changing your lifestyle is so important.

Now it is easy to say to someone that they must change their lifestyle. It is easy to say that you must start eating in a healthier way. It is easy to say that you must begin exercising and become more active in your life. People that are overweight and don’t want to be, are already aware that they must do these things. What they don’t need is to have these words rammed down their throats on a regular basis. What they do need is methods for implementing these changes successfully into their lives.

Knowing what to do is easy. Actually doing it is something completely different. As I previously mentioned the human body thrives on continuity and it is not very keen on change. If you are overweight and you have lived a life of inactivity, and have had unhealthy eating habits for a long time, then this is the life your body has become accustomed to. When you try to change your behaviours, your body will not be happy about it. This is illustrated by the fact that so many people fail to lose weight. Trying to change your body so quickly with behaviours it is not used to will result in your body fighting these changes, which in turn will prevent you from losing weight with any long term success.

Now here is the thing, initially changing your lifestyle doesn’t begin with you changing your behaviours, it starts in your mind, and you have to start changing the way that you think of yourself. At the present time you will think like a person that is overweight, a person who cannot be bothered with exercise or any increased activity, a person that doesn’t have a healthy diet, and a person that finds change difficult.

While you think like that any new physical changes that you try to incorporate into your life will ultimately lead you to failure. Simple because you don’t really believe in your mind that this new person you are trying to be is you. If you don’t believe something then clearly you think it is not true. When you know something that’s not true, how can you muster up the commitment, determination, and passion to follow it through?

You need to start believing that what you are about to attempt is going to be achievable. Stop thinking of weight loss as hit and miss. Begin thinking of weight loss as a skill to be learned. Any skill takes time and effort, and weight loss is no different. Learn about the relevance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Learn about how food affects your body. Learn about exercise and fitness. Try to learn about these things prior to starting a weight loss program, because this will make you more prepared and give you a good foundation. Remember that any skill is often difficult to learn at the start but the more you do something the better you get out at it.

Try to get it into your mind that thousands of people lose weight successfully, so why should you be any different. People who lose weight successfully do so by been better prepared and having better knowledge. Write out a diet plan, write out an exercise plan, gain some knowledge, and you to will have a greater chance of success. If you really want to lose weight then you will do it. Stop jumping from one failure to another; instead come to understand that there are no quick fixes. Change things slowly, drop certain items from your diet one at a time, begin exercising slowly and build up from that. Finely believe that you are capable of doing whatever you set your mind to. The reason that you should believe this is because it happens to be true.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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