10 Ways to Lose Weight Faster on the Mediterranean Diet


There’s been a lot of talk about this “new” diet that hails from the Mediterranean. This diet, it seems, allows you to enjoy a fantastic diet rich in seafood, breads, and even red wine while losing weight and lowering your cholesterol.

Right, I’ve heard this all before. This sounds just like another “diet of the month”, but upon further investigation and a bit of testing I must say that I was honestly surprised. As opposed to wasting my time (and money) buying foods that I’d never eat or special diet supplements I’d never use I was happy to see that all I needed to do was make a few dietary changes.

So, without further ado, here are my findings:

  1. Take a weight loss supplement. Many people will quickly tell you how bad these really are, but I’m not talking about a “diet pill”. I’m talking about a supplement that helps you control your appetite and give you a bit more energy at the same time. Evil, I know, but so helpful. I recommend Phentramin as that’s the supplement that I’ve used and been successful with.
  1. Enjoy your fruits and vegetables. Despite what the fast food industry would have you believe, fruits and vegetables aren’t evil and they aren’t trying to ruin your life. Fruits and vegetables are an essential way to gain natural sugars, fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals. They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if I were you, I’d have more than one.
  1. Eat bread. The rise of several dietary myths has had a very bad reaction for bread. Bread isn’t going to kill you, and it surely isn’t going to make you fat either. Whole grain breads contain a ton of dietary fiber (you know, the stuff that keeps you regular) as well as complex carbohydrates. Keep in mind that I’m talking about whole wheat or multigrain, not white bread. White bread is practically devoid of any nutritional significance.
  1. Cook With Olive Oil. Olive oil, along with adding a great bit of flavor to any dish, lowers your blood cholesterol levels. Most of the food that is cooked in North America has some kind of trans or animal fat content, making a (subjectively) great tasting meal that is loaded with calories and cholesterol. Replacing those oils with Olive oil is a good way to create a full flavored, cholesterol lowering meal.
  1. Drink up! Red Wine is a known antioxidant and moderate daily consumption is good for your overall health. This doesn’t give you an excuse to consume a bottle or two every night, but a glass or two a day is perfect.
  1. Scallops, Squid, and Tuna. Seafood is high protein, low cholesterol, and extremely good for the body. Fish contains many essential fatty acids that keep your body in check. Along with all of that, fish tastes great and can be prepared in a million different ways.
  1. Get your cardio on. Going for early morning or late night walks will burn a few extra calories per day. This is an easy, stress relieving method of losing a few extra pounds while slimming up and toning your core muscles. Going for a walk with your spouse or a friend is a great way to strike up a conversation, have a bit of fun, and get healthier doing it.
  1. Gain weight. Not around your hips, but rather at the gym. Try doing a few weighted exercises. Challenging yourself and your body by adding a few pounds of resistance to standard movements is extremely beneficial. This promotes muscle growth, fat reduction, and overall body toning. Those are all good things, right?
  1. Sleep well. Your body needs rest. If you are exercising or lifting weights your body needs time to recover, and it does this while you are sleeping. Getting a full night of sleep is an often overlooked, but critical step in weight loss.
  1. Lastly, stick to your guns. Don’t start skipping out on the gym or visiting your favorite fast food joint. You can be your own worst enemy- set a goal and stick to it!

Good luck!

Visit PhenForum for more tips on using the Mediterranean diet with Phentramin to help you eat healthy and burn more fat.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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