One time, a successful bodybuilder once told me that bodybuilding is 80% knowledgeable training and 80% nutrition. It is quite obvious this strong-armed man did not have strength in math, but never the less he was successful in pursuing a bodybuilding lifestyle. Wait a minute that was me who said that. Oh boy.
To determine what kind of nutrition and training you should follow, you must first determine what type of body style you have. It is not imperative to do this but it does help you achieve your desired effect. The three types of body styles are Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph.
Ectomorph: This type of person has a hard time putting on weight. That includes fat or muscle. Typically a thin, wiry type of build. In the bodybuilding circle this is a hardgainer. This person can eat anything all the time and will not gain an ounce. Usually a tad bit high strung. Just like someone hooked them up intravenously with double strength espresso. At the office, they can eat a bag of chips and wash it down with a soda and then go to break eating even more. For a bodybuilding diet this person can eat all the bread, rice and potatoes they want. Ectomorph must do enough cardio work to keep the heart healthy.
Mesomorph: This type of person can generally put on muscle very easily. They have more of an athletic build. Broad shoulders, wide back and thick thigh muscles are some of the characteristics of this type. This person does have to watch what they eat or they will be adding fat on their body. This person might have an aggressive type of behavior. Do first, ask later mentality. For the bodybuilding diet, eat enough calories to maintain and build muscle, but keep it a very clean and healthy diet or you will put on the fat. Do enough cardio work to keep the fat off. But don’t overdo it or you will waste away your hard-earned muscle.
Endomorph: The only thing this type of person has to do is look at food and they gain weight. And not the right kind of weight. Some possible characteristics are narrow shoulders or a pear shaped body. Watching their diet is a big problem for this person. This person might have to monitor their health more closely for heart disease later in life. This person must strive to keep an active lifestyle to burn the calories. The bodybuilding diet, eat low calorie foods such as vegetables and fruits. Preferably in whole and natural form. Protein should come from very lean sources.
You can be a combination of two or even all three-body types. You can be a bodybuilder no matter what type of body you have. Its just that some will have an easier time than others will. After deciding on the type of body you have you can adjust your workout accordingly.