Many people attempt weight training on their own and never reach their goals. The most detrimental effect is self injury due to lack of knowledge and experience. Over training or improper use of weights may cause joint damage, torn muscles, ligaments and tendons; while under training will not produce the desired amount of muscle development.
The next step tried by many people is: “well I have a friend or a relative who has weight lying around.” This sounds like a reasonably good idea, but does that friend have a long history with weight training showing reasonable results for their efforts? Do they have a background with Personal Training? Strength training is muscle specific. A knowledge Personal Trainer will identify weak muscle groups needing development while insure opposing muscle balance is developed and maintained.
Why use a personal weight lifting trainer?
- To gain knowledge on weight lifting form for proper execution on lifting movements
- To identify weak areas and improve strength in those areas
- To prevent you from possibly injuring yourself
- To have a knowledgeable personal lifting trainer help identify your goals and guide you in obtaining those goals
- To discuss, review and suggest changes to your diet to aid you with your goals
- To have a personal trainer help you realize you can accomplish more physically than what you thought possible of yourself
- If you are over 40 discuss the effects of sarcopenia and how to prevent it.
What are reasonable goals for weight lifting?
- The control of negative health issues
- Weight loss
- Increased strength for athletic activities and competition endurance
- Increased muscle or lean body mass
- Feeling more positive about yourself physically (better self image)
- To slow the aging process down
- Improving posture
A personal trainer who specializes in weight training normally has a long history of studying the human body and the effects of strength training. Since dieting is such an integral part of training, we are well versed on a person’s diet and the effect or ill effects of various foods. Proper stretching is also emphasized and passed on to the student.
A good trainer often has a specific method of motivating clients. The reason for a variety of techniques is many people are not aware of how much they can accomplished until pushed. Common techniques for motivation include demeanor (some trainers have an aggressive and commanding demeanor; others are more calm and supportive); incentives for reaching goals; and positive re-framing or visualization.
Additional information can be found at Weight Lifting Trainer Minneapolis
Richard Train has been involved with weight lifting and weight training for over 40 years. During this period of time he has competed in body building contest, triathlons, canoe racing, and cross country ski racing events. Finding and using a Personal Trainer will help one attain their physical fitness goals. Presently he offers individual weight training.