What You Don’t Know About Your Personal Trainer


What you don’t know about big chain Personal Trainers can hurt you. Did you know that the average training time for large health club trainers is 3 Days. You can learn more from reading a book or watching a video than 90% of the trainers at the Mega Clubs know.

It’s time to learn the truth about Personal Trainers at the Mega Health Clubs dominating the fitness scene in America. And here are the hard cold facts.

1. You can get a Personal Training Certification with a 3 Day Class.

2. If you have a Masters Degree in sports science, or Fitness, or PE, or any sports related curriculum, you still must pay $500 to $1000 to to take a “test” from a Nationally Certified Training Company. Like ACE, NASM, Cooper, etc. It’s not good enough that you spent 10 years in College. You have to pay these guys $600 on average to let them tell you that you know what people who took a 3 day class know.

3. The purpose of Personal Trainers at Mega Clubs is Not to provide Great Personal Training, but to make money for the club. If you don’t meet your “quota” for sales or training, you get fired. you are Not evaluated on how good of a job you did with your clients, but on how much money you make the company

4. You can obviously learn all these Mega Trainers know from a few books or even watching some videos.

So Why spend $100 an Hour for some inferior training from some PT who has 3 days of even 3 weeks of experience. Take your $100 ($1,2000 when you get signed up) and buy some books and look at some videos. Then pay someone to be your “friend” to work out with you. It will be much cheaper and more effective to buy a “work out friend” than to pay a PT at a Mega Club.

Ted Gambordella

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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