What To Look For In A Personal Trainer

What To Look For In A Personal Trainer

Looking for a Trainer?

How long has it been since you actually felt good about yourself?

Remember a time when the thought ‘maybe I’m meant to be this weight’ never even crossed your mind?

Or perhaps you’ve just got back from your local gym and signed up for the latest hula hoop class (god forbid) and suddenly come to the realisation that your body is changing in the WRONG way and there may be only one other thing you can do about it!

This is usually the time when you’ll consider using a personal training service, but with so many trainers out there, where do you start?

If you’ve never even considered a service of this kind before then what should you look for?

If this is going through your mind right now then fear not, as I may just have the perfect solution for you. So sit down, grab yourself a herbal tea or a glass of water and read on.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Some years ago the idea of a personal trainer was far beyond most peoples reach. Nowadays they’re everywhere as courses become accessible to any Tom, Dick or Harriet.

Hence the article, I’m writing this to help you get a better idea of what you should be asking and looking for in a fitness professional.

Here are my 10 top tips to help you find the right trainer.

1. Find a trainer that specialises in your goal.

Many trainers tend to be jack of all trades and masters of none. Find a trainer that knows about your goals and exactly how to tackle them

2. How educated is your trainer?

Education and knowledge are of up most importance, I’m very fortunate to have trained with some of the leading fitness professionals in the country and keep in regular contact with them as we discuss new ideas and the state of the profession. I’m also very fortunate to work with one of the leading physiotherapists in his field, Fraser Pressdee BSc (Hons) MCSP BSY (SpM). To me, having the skills that I’ve acquired and the friends that I have made over the years in this profession all contribute to make me very fortunate and extremely grateful to be surrounded with true experts in their field. Hopefully, your soon to be trainer will have that same knowledge passion and drive as my friends and myself have maintained over the years.

3. How long are the sessions and how much?

The usual is an hour. Here, we train our clients for as long as we believe they need to be worked for. Some may not make the full hour some will exceed over the hour session by coming in earlier to warm up. Once the job is done there’s nothing more to do. Let me put it this way, if you pay an osteopath to crack your back into place and it takes him 2 minutes but it’s a 30 minute appointment, they won’t offer you another service. The job is done, simple as that and we are no different!

4. How many hours of on floor training have they done?

How long someone has been a trainer is completely different to how many hours they’ve actually been coaching. For all you know they could have been a trainer for 5 years and only had a regular clientele of 4 appointments per week.

5. What about references?

Testimonials are all well and good, we use them and everyone is genuine. Unfortunately, that may not be the case with all. Ask for references before agreeing to train with your coach if you don’t know of them.

6. Do they have a contract?

We have a written contract both for cancellations and for the guarantees that we promote. Make sure your trainer has.

7. Will you under go a full assessment?

Assessments are crucial, if you’re not assessing your guessing it’s as simple as that. Before you even start your first session you should be taken through an assessment to test for muscle imbalances, posture, range of movement, muscle firing and inner range contraction techniques. The most advanced assessment is the Kinetic Chain Assessment with only a handful of specialists in the UK.

8. Do they listen to you?

You’ll be surprised at the amount of trainers that don’t listen to their clients. Just because the trainer knows more than you, doesn’t mean the trainer knows exactly what you want. Make that clear to your trainer, remember, you’re the one paying.

9. Look for enthusiasm not eagerness.

Eager trainers tend to be impatient trainers; impatient trainers give you all the new never seen before exercises but, rarely give you the results you came for.

10. Master or disaster?

Make sure your trainers train themselves. How can a trainer possibly be a master of certain movements if he or she has never done them before?

Personal training is an easy career to get into, it’s a long and hard career to be excellent in and when you train yourself you have a better understanding of what it feels like. I truly believe trainers should never ask their clients to do something they can’t. Unless of course you’re training a world class athlete or similar in which case I’ll let you off.


Now you may think I’m being slightly biased towards my own company and my coaches, but I’m really not. I’m being completely honest, what I have set out to achieve is an outstanding Personal Training Company that delivers results with true professionalism.


Kevin Raison is the founder of Kick Start Boot Camp in the Birmingham, Midlands. With a wide range of Boot Camps such as


Ladies Only

Bridal (using Biosignature Modulation)

Kick Start Boot Camp


For more information on Kick Start Boot Camps Services visit


Kevin is the founder of Kick Start Boot Camp Training. A Boot Camp that guarantees results or your money back!

With over 50 Boot Camps now running in the Midlands, Kevin has now franchised the business to personal trainers all over the country. Meaning everyone can benefit from expert tuition and achieve maximum results in minimum time.


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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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