Millions of people purchase books, DVDs and exercise equipment, only to find out they don’t know where to begin when it comes to achieving fitness goals. Other people make an attempt to start on a new program, only to discover that they lose motivation very quickly If you have been trying to get fit, but can’t seem to reach your goal, it may be time to hire a personal trainer. That said, before you simply hire the first person with the appropriate credentials, you should make sure that you select one that will be most suitable for your needs.
Do You Want to Look Like Your Personal Trainer?
When you walk into a bank, you will most likely turn around and walk right back out again if you find a teller that looks like they are homeless. In a similar way, when you choose a personal trainer, you need to have confidence in their ability to help you improve your fitness. Unfortunately, if they cannot control their own weight, or they do not look healthy, chances are they won’t be able to motivate you to achieve your own goals. On the other hand, if you are going to feel intimidated by a trainer with a perfect body, then you might want to start off with someone that you feel you can learn from until you reach a specific level.
The Importance of Personality
There is nothing worse than working with a physical trainer that makes you feel nervous or at odds with the process of getting fit. At the very least, if you are a quiet or shy person, you would be well served by looking for a trainer that makes you feel uplifted and happy about your time in the gym. As a general rule of thumb, if you have a feeling that you will not get along with a particular trainer, it is best to look for someone else.
If you are serious about getting fit, then hiring a personal trainer may be the only way you achieve sustainable results. Under these circumstances, you safety and personal health will depend heavily on your ability to choose the best trainer for you. Ideally, you should look for trainer that is compatible with you as a person, as well as one that demonstrates a professional ability to help you get fit in a reasonable amount of time.
Notes for editors: Claire Jarrett recommends Rectory Health Club, who offer personal training in Maidstone []