Getting in to shape should not be something to be embarrassed about. On the contrary, The decision to get fit is a fantastic! Hiring a personal trainer is the best step toward fast and lasting results. However to make it work, you need to be honest about your eating and exercise habits.
Three Reasons to be Honest with your Trainer
1. Personal trainers design routines with skill level in mind
If you tell your trainer that you exercise regularly or you used to, when you never have or did a few times in the past you risk a program design not customized toward your skill level and goals. If exercises are too challenging you may find yourself discouraged and even injured.
2. Personal trainers work with you to change bad habits
How are you suppose to get help for say, something like bad eating habits if you won’t admit you eat poorly? Personal training is about coaching and support. Your trainer can make suggestions and provide you with valuable tips to get in to healthy diet and exercise habits. If you tell him/her that your diet is perfect, you lose out on part of what you are paying for!
3. Personal trainers need to know what you do in between sessions.
For the most part, clients want a trainer that will keep them on track and regularly show them new exercises so they can work out on their own, in between sessions. If you regularly communicate with your trainer and tell them you did a chest, triceps and abs workout when you really did not, then your trainer will most likely work out the parts you missed over the week, instead of a full body routine.
Personal trainers are here to help you accomplish the goals you set out to achieve. Don’t be embarrassed to admit mistakes liked missed workouts and bad eating. There is no judgement or disappointment. If you slipped up on your diet over the weekend, just say so. You will benefit in the long run, get the most out of your sessions and develop a comfortable relationship with your trainer.
Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist