Find Personal Training Fitness Education in the United States and Canada. If you like working with people and would like to help others enhance wellness, balance diets and improve weight management through planned exercise regimens, then enrolling in one of several personal fitness training education programs might be ideal for you.
Once you begin participating in personal training fitness education, you not only get in shape while attending school, but you also gain focus and knowledge to teach others how to become fit and healthy as well.
In the course of a personal training fitness education, students can become certified as personal fitness trainers through comprehensive studies including anatomy and physiology, basic first aid and CPR, nutritional education (i.e., macro/micro nutrients, diet, nutritional consulting), fitness assessment, exercise programming, exercise machinery, and how to track client progress.
Furthermore, personal fitness training education programs frequently teach students how to facilitate kinesiology (a muscle testing method), as well as essential entrepreneurial skills in business, marketing and management.
Depending on the personal fitness training education program in which you enroll, some courses can be completed in less than six months; while a number of personal fitness training education programs may be more in-depth and require an extended period of training hours.
In most cases, personal fitness training education programs will result in a diploma or certification; however, graduates who have met all required coursework and training may be eligible to take a national certification exam to become nationally certified.
After you’ve completed your personal fitness training education program, you can go onto working in health clubs, fitness centers, health retreats, spas and salons, as well as vacation resorts and alongside major sports teams. While income varies, experienced and reputable personal trainers can expect lucrative earnings from $25,000 to well over $50,000 annually.
If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding personal training fitness education, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.
Salary source: Bls.gov (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd – Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for HolisticJunction.com, in association with CollegeSurfing.com – Educational Resources for Personal Training Fitness Education [http://www.holisticjunction.com/categories/VOC/personal-training-fitness.html], Personal Trainer Schools [http://www.holisticjunction.com/categories/VOC/personal-trainer-schools.html], and other Schools. Personal Training Fitness Education: What to Expect © Copyright 2007 The CollegeBound Network All Rights Reserved
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