How to Get Great Abs – Learn the Best Way to Burn Fat and Increase Metabolism


Contrary to popular belief more abdominal exercise does not equate to getting a sculpted, sexy six-pack. Spot reduction is a myth. Operating your fitness training program under this belief could seriously hinder the results you’re getting from the time you’re spending. What is spot reduction? The spot reduction myth implies that you can lose weight or fat in a particular area by doing exercises that target that area or “spot.”

By training your abdominals extensively you’ll have strong abs maybe, but the layer of fat will still cover them so you’ll never see them, no matter what type or how many ab exercises you do or Pilates classes you take. Here are a few guidelines to help you on your journey to finding the elusive abdominals, and your best body ever

Fat Burning Formula Fitness Element:

Strength Training

Strength training or resistance training is the most effective way to get your body to burn fat from all over including your abs or midsection. Compound movements, exercises that use multiple and larger muscle groups like squats, and rows for legs and back are much more effective than exercises like curls or crunches for biceps or abs. Why? Because multiple and large muscles use and require significantly more energy i.e. calories and fat. Don’t worry so much about working out like crazy on your abs, the abdominals actually do a considerable amount of work during squats and they work during many other compound exercises too. You’ll get more fat burning benefits by focusing your efforts on hitting all major muscle groups evenly.

Fat Burning Formula Fitness Element

Cardiovascular Endurance

Cardiovascular exercise especially H.I.I.T training if you are physically (medically) capable is a particularly effective method of cardio endurance training that will help accelerate fat loss more so than doing cardio activity at a moderate steady pace like walking for an hour. You’ll need to be able to push yourself. H.I.I.T is not for everyone. It works really well if you’re in reasonably good shape know what you’re doing and. or want to lose that last little bit of fat or weight. As an added bonus to the fat burning benefits H.I.I.T. cardio takes much less time in fact 22 minutes is a good average time plus a little warm up and cool down. You could realistically accomplish an hours worth of long, moderate pace cardio in 22 minutes of H.I.I.T. cardio. So what’s H.I.I.T here’s an example. When I was a kid there were light posts lining the street I would sprint to one light post then walk back then sprint again then walk back again. Same thing if you’re roller-blading or biking over a series of steep hills. Indoor cycling classes are another example of H.I.I.T. training although I strongly recommend the real thing cardio exercise is much more effective done outdoors.

Fat Burning Formula Fitness Nutrition Element


Nutrition is the all important, often forgotten element of molding a slender, sexy physique. You don’t have to go on some crazy crash course fad diet. You do need to be willing and have a desire to make some basic changes. It doesn’t need to be hard and it isn’t if you go about doing it the right way. All it takes is a little know how or willingness to learn or try new things and a little persistence. Consistent use equals ease of use, so once you take that first initial step and stay consistent for a short while it becomes easier to maintain your new habits. Think of food as fuel and nourishment for your body so it will function it’s best, not as some substance that’s filling a void because you’re stressed or starving. One thing about a healthy diet is you should never be really hungry. As a matter of fact if you eat right you’ll feel more full and satisfied because you’re giving your body all the nutrients it needs in the right amounts at the right times. Most people notice increased energy levels within a relatively short period of time after eating this way.

Be sensible, and keep it simple Eat well-balanced meals so you get protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and unsaturated fats with each meal and make sure you drink plenty of water. Eat at least 3 meals or 4-6 times per day including small meals or snacks. Watch your portion sizes don’t overdo it, chew your food, taste it, and enjoy it. Keep in mind it takes your stomach and brain about 20 minutes to register how full you are. If you spread your meals out evenly throughout the day you’ll decrease the likelihood that those calories you’re consuming will be stored as fat.

By eating a wide variety of foods in moderation containing protein, carbohydrates (fiber), (unsaturated) fats, and water with each of your portioned meals you’ll keep you feeling fuller longer and chances are you’ll start to notice your energy levels have increased.

These are many of the bare bones principles I follow to keep myself in shape and to help my clients reduce body fat, tone up all over, and stay in great shape. If ever there was a magic formula for the body you’ve always wanted this would be it.

Andrew was ranked among the best personal trainers in NYC. He’s a best selling published author who recently released his latest book “Nutrition Mission: Dieting Is Not Impossible.” He holds a BS in Health Wellness with a concentration in Nutrition. he achieved the prestigious CSCS credential from the NSCA and has a decade of fitness industry experience. He works with private clients as an in home personal trainer in NYC where he lives, as well as providing one on one personal training with clients in gym and studio locations throughout Manhattan.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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