How To Find An Online Personal Trainer

How To Find An Online Personal Trainer

Virtual training is becoming more and more popular. Whether you are pressed for time and want to work out at home, or you are bringing your trainer to the gym with you on your iPod, virtual training is where it’s at! When you are looking for your online personal trainer, you want to go through the standard precautions of making sure they are certified through reputable organizations such as The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), American Council on Exercise (ACE), or the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NSCM). Also make sure they have a degree in an exercise science related field and have at least 5 years of experience. The Training market is saturated with novice trainers who can just as easily get you the results you want as they can permanently injure you.

After you have looked through the many online personal training services, and taken advantage of their many free sample downloads, your choice should be based on a few simple criteria. First of all, what environment are you going to be training in? Do you have the technology that your online trainer requires? (video iPod for some, streaming video for others, or simply an mp3 player). Are you a visual or an audio learner? Perhaps you’re a hands-on, tactile person that needs to be shown exactly what to do, and how it is supposed to feel. Bear these things in mind when you are shopping for an online personal trainer, as some services are only audio based, while some offer diagrams, charts and written explanations of exercises. How about video quality? It’s nice to get neat new exercises from your online trainer, but how clear is the explanation of what it is you’re doing? How are the exercises cued? Can you understand, learn, and most importantly apply what you are learning? Are you motivated by the tone and enthusiasm of the online personal trainer?

The third major thing to consider when shopping for an online personal trainer, is what services are you actually paying for? How “personal” is your online personal trainer? Do you have the opportunity to interact with your trainer? Some online training services offer free forums for their members to ask questions on. Others have archived newsletters for you to search through to find answers to your questions. If you are spending money for a monthly online personal training service, you should have access to your personal trainer. Make sure you can email them, call them, text them, whatever it takes to keep you motivated, educated, and accountable. This is what you pay a personal trainer for right? Other services you may check for include nutritional advice and meal planning as well as yoga, pilates or some other form of “soft” fitness.

Lastly, as with all technological advances, test the system to make sure it actually works! Try a free download or two. Not just sitting in front of your computer, but in the field. Does it work for you? Can you see yourself getting fired up for more of the same? Is this a tool that you are going to utilize, or is going to be like the treadmill in the basement that has become the most expensive clothes hanger you ever purchased?!

Online personal training is perfect for the traveling executive who can’t nail down a schedule. It’s good for the new mom, who likewise has no set schedule. It’s also a great thing for those of you who just hate gyms and crowds in general. Imagine being able to get personalized service in the convenience of your own living room! Welcome to the new age of fitness! Look forward to seeing you getting fit!

Online Personal Trainer Tim Murray has been training clients for 15 years. He is a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, ACE Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, spinning and yoga instructor. Tim trains clients via his online personal training business and also at his private fitness facility in Denver, Colorado.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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