I know summer is over – yes I’m saying it. To me, once it’s August, it may as well be December. There are some good things about Fall, though. You can start getting into your normal routine.You can wear sweaters to hide the belly bulge. Some people – not that I know any- slack a bit over the summer, and it’s always a relief to get back into the swing of things. That includes your workouts. Did your belly get a little flabby over the summer? Too many fancy drinks by the pool? Well just for you, here is an ab-blasting routine of core work and cardio to get that belly overhang in check.
This circuit mixes ab work with cardio intervals for maximum fat burning!
Do this circuit 3 times.
25 jumping jacks
On the floor, or on stability ball, 40 crunches
Plank for 1 minute
run stairs for 1 minute
Russian Twist – sit upright, lean back to 45 degrees with knees bent. Hold a weight or medicine ball and twist from side to side, getting your elbow close to the floor x 40
Leg Raises – on back, legs are straight, 6 inches from floor. Raise them to 90 degrees while bringing hips off floor, then back down x 40
High knee run 1 minute
12 burpees
bicycle crunches x 40
full sit ups x 40
Have fun!! And remember, holidays are just around the corner, so if you don’t get in shape now, the post-Christmas shape up will be brutal!
Eleni Kapetanios is the owner of Get Fit Personal Training in Guelph. Check out her website at [http://www.getfitguelph.com] or email any questions to getfiteleni@gmail.com