While personal trainers will tell you to work your abs by doing a ton of regular crunches a day the truth is that you should be doing effective ab exercises mixed with proper cardio and a variety of exercises. Here are some easy ab workouts that anybody can do for great effect.
Stop doing basic crunches on the floor. They do more harm than good. Not to mention how incredibly boring they are. I used to do them while watching TV before I found out how ineffective they are.
So what the heck do you do if these crunches that you learned in gym class do not work? Ab exercises that target your abs directly and do not strain your neck are the way to go.
Reverse crunches are effective. They are perfect for anybodys workout since they hit the hard to reach place which is your lower abs. They require no equipment at all.
The plank is another effective exercise. It is known as the perfect core builder for beginners.
Then there are Swiss ball crunches. These are done on an exercise ball obviously. By doing these you will work your upper abs so well you may be sore the next day. By the way you need to understand that your abdominals are muscles and therefore need rest just like your chest and biceps.
With each workout do some compound movements like squats and bench presses as these kinds of exercises burn more belly fat than the toughest ab exercises. They boost your metabolism for hours and burn loads of calories.
Use these kinds of exercises to work smart. You can add them for easy ab workouts. If you are still a little confused about how to get six pack abs then get all the details at this website.
Want to Blast Away Belly Fat? Learn More About How to Get Six Pack Abs Here Truth About Abs [http://mikegearystruthaboutabs.com]