Weight loss patches are considered by many as the simple and effective way to lose weight. The patches are to be stuck on the part where one wants to reduce weight and wait for the toxins to be absorbed. Instead of sweating it out in front of the personal trainer for hours every day, this sweat less effort is considered most appropriate, especially for elderly and the diseased. By just sticking the patch, exercising some control over diet and drinking lots of water one is able to flush out the toxins in the body and lose weight.
The user understands at this stage that losing weight is not the same as losing flab. The sudden and unplanned loss of weight as a result of using the weight loss patches leaves the skin loose and ungainly. The only way for toning the sagging skin and the muscles of the body is by exercising. As masses of fat hang around loosely all over the body, a personal trainer would be in a better position to recommend the correct course of physical exercises to tone up muscles in each part of the body.
And as the weight loss patches do not have the scientific approval of the researchers, the treatment is laced with uncertainties and elements of risk. Whereas the methods of a personal trainer in reducing weight are based on scientific and rational principles without depending on any interim solutions. The trainer prescribes a schedule of exercises that help in burning the accumulated fats in the body, scientifically. Strength training exercises are a proven way of increasing the metabolism of the body. Increase in metabolism reduces fat and also tones up the body. Hence trainers prescribe strength training taking in to account the health of the person in mind.
Thus the weight loss programs worked out by a personal trainer are superior as they are programmed to suit the person’s need and capabilities. The need based programs are also performed under the supervision of the expert trainer, which acts as a motivating factor for one to complete his sessions with great precision. Training under the expert enables one to keep his limbs supple that helps him to be highly active through the day.
The working of the weight loss patches clearly indicate that they are intended for losing weight rapidly. Losing weight rapidly may not serve the purpose in the long run. Further a person risks loss of excess fluids when the weight loss patch is applied continuously for few days. In contrast, the physical exercises prescribed by personal trainers are completely safe and provide permanent solution in losing weight.
The weight loss patches recommend adequate intake of water and avoidance of certain types of diets, while undergoing the weight loss treatment. But they are general to all users, unlike the nutritional advice provided by the personal trainer, who stipulates specific nutrition to different persons. Calculating the caloric needs of the individuals, personal trainers recommend the diet, which helps the person ensure that excess calories are not consumed and fat is not accumulated in the body. Hence the personal trainers through their systematic methods score emphatically over the weight loss patches
Dan Clay is nationally renowned fitness expert and owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to register for a Personal Trainer Eastern Suburbs [http://www.personaltrainersydney.com/index.php?page=eastern-suburbs-personal-trainer] session, visit Personal Training Sydney [http://www.personaltrainersydney.com/].