I want to thank you for taking the time to look this important
information over. I’m not here to convince you or push you. I’m
here to inform and guide you. We’ve chosen many highly dangerous
products and given alternatives. Take the time to really read over everything. It’s time well spent.
Toxins! What are they anyway?
Toxins are chemicals and poisons placed in products and toiletries we use everyday. Chemicals like formaldehyde and dioxins are used to clean and sanitize our homes. They are disbursed in the air we breathe and absorbed into our skin. These chemicals and poisons weaken our immune system, which slows our bodies’ ability to fight off germs. It takes longer for your body to fight off a cold.
Toxins are everywhere.
We have become a world of “chemical soup” so to speak and we are
inadvertently letting it happen. The reason why?
– It’s convenient to just grab it off the shelf without thinking.
– We are creatures of habit. We do what our parents have done before. “My mom uses whatever so I will too.”
– We accept and trust what is on the shelves of our local stores. We blindly think the products are safe.
– We are under the assumption that the government is protecting us against these dangerous products, when in fact – they are not.
– We don’t look for an alternative until either we are lucky enough to become informed prior to trouble or…maybe not so lucky, when it has already affected you or a family member through a worrisome disease process.
Come with me… I will show you how to change your thinking by
taking you through your home, one product at a time, showing you
potential hazards and providing you with better, safer, ounce for
ounce, superior economical alternatives.
In the past 20 years, the construction of “tight” energy-efficient buildings has led to a sharp reduction in the amount of fresh air in our homes, schools and workplaces. In these same two decades, our buildings have been filling up with fumes from paints, stains, furniture, household cleaning products, and other materials, and the results are startling.
According to research conducted by the EPA, the air inside the
average home is typically 2-5 times more polluted than the air just outside its walls. One five-year study found that the levels of certain chemicals in many homes were 70 times higher than they were outdoors.
Another study examining indoor air quality in six cities discovered that peak concentrations of 20 toxic chemicals were a remarkable 200-500 times higher inside than the highest concentrations recorded outside. When the Consumer Products Safety Commission studied air pollution, it found that outdoor air contained an average of less than 10 volatile organic compounds (or VOCs-a type of airborne pollutant) while indoor air contained approximately 150.1. I received these startling facts from http://www.seventhgeneration.com.
Did you know our homes contain more toxins and poisonous chemicals than a typical chemistry lab at the turn of the century? This is according to Dr. George Grant, Toxicologist/Analytical. Chemical labs have strict health and safety codes as dictated by law. The products you purchase in the store have no guidelines or restrictions on use or disposal.
The New York Poison control study that indicated the poor labeling makes it very difficult for them to prescribe treatment in accidentally poisonings. It is a fact, that up to 80% of all
products that come into the home are mislabeled on proper use,
disposal of, or worse – correct listing of active in inert
According to an article in National Geographic, we throw away 4
million tons of hazardous waste each year. Where does all this
hazardous waste go? It’s in our air, ground and water system.
Since WWII more than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been produced and less than 2% have been tested for toxicity, mutagenic and carcinogenic (cancer) effects or birth defects. When you do the math it’s only 1,440 chemicals that have been tested compared to over 72,000 produced. In fact, thousands of NEW chemicals make it into the consumer market each year that are inadequately tested for long term toxic effect on human health. That’s over 70,000 chemicals plus more pouring in every year, that we have no idea what their impact may be on our long term health. These are products we slather on our skin, clean our homes with and use daily without a second thought.
We take over 24,000 breathes a day. We all know about pollution in the air, but getting back to our earlier thought on toxic levels in the home, did you know that the air in your home can be actually up to 200% worse? In addition to the everyday products you unquestionably use, the risky use of antibacterial products
particularly sprays and fumigants. Even with proper ventilation,
they are dangerous.
Read the very small print on the back of the container. These antibacterial or pesticide chemical active ingredients, which are put in these bactericide sprays, were originally formulated for use ONLY outside where they can naturally dissipate through the sun, water and air process. When used inside the home, the pesticides in those products have been measured to have levels of 205 times their original application amount by toxicologists who assess toxic levels in home areas.
Children and babies crawling and playing on the floor are the most at risk for these poisons getting into their little bodies, because pound for pound, they absorb much more than an adult with their rapid breathing rate and high (growth) metabolic levels! These high level toxins get into their systems easily through the mouth, skin and lungs.
Some of us spend 90% of our time in our homes. And even if we
don’t, because of the outside responsibilities, the risk is still
there. The toxins in our environment and homes have accumulative
effects and add up to a lowered immune system response eventually, if not already. There are more colds, viruses, allergies and asthma problems to tend with. As time passes, the immune system response gets more compromised, and then serious long term illnesses show up.
I will show you how to clean your home and keep the air of you
personal environment at optimal healthy levels, without spending a ton of money on air purifiers and other expensive needs.
Email me and change your store now. It only takes a few minutes
to switch. I look forward to helping you clean your home environment.
Angie Hembree – Infinite Possibilities
SMALL steps to BIG accomplishments! – Take the plunge, it’s life at it’s best.
[http://wahw.infinitepossibilitiesteam.com] – alanni9799@comcast.net
home 847-581-9633 – toll free# 877-459-4027
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. – Thomas Edison