The Wonders of Omega-3 Fish Oil

The Wonders of Omega-3 Fish Oil

Omega-3 fish oil, is fish oil that contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acids are a family of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Three of these omega-3 fatty acids are of important nutritional value and are beneficial to our health. Who among us does not want to be healthy? Among other things Omega 3 is said to improve circulation, help with diabetes, arthritis and depression. Aid the immune system, help with learning and behavioural problems and improve memory in old age. Omega-3 in fish oil has recently also been shown to be beneficial during pregnancy. Omega-3 is now thought to be so beneficial to the development of unborn babies that it is being re-recommended that pregnant women eat a small amount of fish each week to assure a small omega-3 intake. It is believed the benefits outweigh the dangers of the presence of trace amounts of heavy metals such as mercury which until now have stopped most pregnant women from eating fish or seafood. Omega-3 fish oil tablets offer a safe alternative as manufacturers of omega-3, tablets and gel, process the oil to remove any base metals (not all manufacturers remove base metals be sure to check before buying). These are just a few of the potential health benefits being looked into. Perhaps one of the most interesting areas of research regarding Omega-3 fatty acids is the possibility that they are actually necessary to our mental health, and can help reduce the incidence of depression.

Omega-3 supplements are processed from fish oils which are found naturally in some fatty fish. The fish do not make the omega-3, they collect it from algae they eat in the water. The most common source of omega-3 rich fish oils are from salmon, herring, anchovies, mackerel and sardines. Tuna also contains Omega-3 fatty acids but only in small amounts. By far the easiest way to include omega-3 in your diet is to take omega-3 tablets or gel capsules.

It sounds great but is any of this hype true? As with all medical claims it can take some time to verify each individual claim and research into these areas of medicine and psychology can take years to release conclusive results. However, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA) in 2006 recognized two types of Omega-3 fatty acids as having valid health merit, those were eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. In short they admitted that Omega-3 fatty acids were shown to be beneficial in the treatment of coronary artery disease. More recently, as mentioned above, the FDA have reversed an older recommendation for pregnant women not to eat seafood for fear of heavy metals, claiming that the benefits of omega-3 outweigh the risk of harm from a small intake of fish.

Contrary to popular belief Omega-3 fish oil capsules and tablets do not taste like fish, they taste like any other natural vitamin supplement, so for those of you out there that don’t like the taste of fish you need not worry. There are several different sources of omega-3 fatty acids, the most common and readily available is in capsules and tablets, but you can also get omega-3 from regular dietary intake of fish, flax seeds or walnuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be easily damaged essentially voiding their nutritional value. Omega-3 fatty acids can go rancid on contact with air, heat or oxygen. That is why you should never cook with fish oil, flax seed oil or walnut oil. They are in-fact best consumed raw. Because of the sensitive nature of omega-3 fatty acids they need to be stored carefully in cool, dry and dark places such as the fridge or freezer. Purchasing omega-3 oil with added vitamin E is recommended if possible as vitamin E protects the omega-3 as it is an antioxidant.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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