Spices and digestion

Spices and digestion

Spices are herbs that are not only used for taste but also medicine. They are hot and drying in nature, which in turn, aids digestion.

Digestion is a fire, enzymes and acids that transforms food, nutrients into blood. It also kills harmful bacteria, molds, parasites, etc.  Too many cold, cleansing foods, drinks, milk, yogurt, salads, raw vegetables, fruits, juices, shakes, smoothies, ice water, cold drinks, sodas, etc. in the extreme  tend to dilute and weaken digestive fire, enzymes and acids. It also tends to cool the lungs, causing the following pathologies:

  1. Indigestion- bloating, gas, burping, stomach gurgling
  2. Loose stools, diarrhea and or constipation
  3. Less blood via less absorption via less digestion
  4. Fatigue, pallor, coldness, shaking
  5. Water, mucous, phlegm, edema, cellulite 

The fire, heat of digestion rises into the lungs dissipating fluids. Weak digestion, fire tends to cool the lungs causing excess condensation (water, mucous, phlegm) to occur. Cold condenses. 

Spices not only increase digestion, absorption but also dry and or prevent dampness, loose stools, diarrhea, mucous, phlegm, edema, cellulite, etc.  Many women and or vegetarians tend to eat low protein, low fat, high carbohydrate (fruits, vegetables and grains) diet which is conducive to the above mentioned symptoms, pathologies. A drier diet; higher protein and fat, rice, cooked vegetables, spices help alleviate these conditions.

In Ayurvedic medicine, many spices, 7+ are used in cooking: cardamon, cumin, coriander, fennel, cayenne, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, etc. each having different healing properties: turmeric (anti inflammatory, digestive aid, etc.); fennel (liver, digestion); cardamon (aids in digestion of dairy); cinnamon and ginger can be used in cookies in the prevention and treatment of colds.  Spices also have their contraindications: exacerbate dry conditions.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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