The human body is composed of various organs and parts, which are made up of tissues and cells. These tissues and cells are composed of 16 chemical elements.
The balance or equilibrium of these chemical elements in the body is an essential factor in the
maintenance of health and healing of disease. The acid-alkaline balance plays a vital role in this
balanced body chemistry. All foods, after digestion and absorption leave either an acid or
alkaline ash in the body depending on their mineral composition. The normal body chemistry is
approximately 20 per cent acid and 80 per cent alkaline. This is the acid-alkaline balance.
In normal health, the reaction of the blood is alkaline and that is essential for our physical and
mental well-being. The preponderence of alkalis in the blood is due to the fact that the products
of the vital combustions taking place in the body are mostly acid in character. Carbohydrates
and fats form about nine-tenths of the normal fuel of the body. IN normal health, this great mass
of material is converted into carbon dioxide gas and water. Half of the remaining one-tenth fuel is
also converted into the same gas and water. This huge amount of acid is transported by the
blood to the various points of discharge, mainly the lungs. By virtue of alkalinity, the blood is able
to transport the acid from the tissues to the discharge points.
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