The term ‘minerals’ refers to elements in their simple inorganic form. In nutrition they are commonly referred to as mineral elements or inorganic nutrients.
Minerals are vital to health. Like vitamins and amino acids, minerals are essential for regulating
and building the trillions of living cells which make up the body. Body cells receive the essential
food elements through the blood stream. They must, therefore, be properly nourished with an
adequate supply of all the essential minerals for the efficient functioning of the body.
Minerals help maintain the volume of water necessary to life processes in the body. They help
draw chemical substances into and out of the cells and they keep the blood and tissue fluid from
becoming either too acidic or too alkaline. The importance of minerals, like vitamins, is illustrated
by the fact that there are over 50,000 enzymes in the body which direct growth and energy and
each enzyme has minerals and vitamins associated with it. Each of the essential food minerals
does a specific job in the body and some of them do extra work, in teams, to keep body cells
The mineral elements which are needed by the body in substantial amounts are
calcium, phosphorous, iron, sulphur, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chlorine. In addition
the body needs minute (trace) amounts of iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc, seleminum,
silicon, flourine and some others.
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