Go Organic!


Would you care for a side dish of pesticides with your meal tonight?

Most sane people would not raise their hand in the affirmative. So how do you reply in the negative, so that food manufacturers will hear you?

Go organic! It is healthier for you to not ingest chemicals not intended for your system. With large-scale food production, pesticides and chemicals are added to help the earth and plants perform. Soil becomes depleted with overuse in food production, so the chemicals are added in an effort to amend that, and to fight off the pests that invade the off-balance system. The chemicals themselves lead to an imbalance, causing a cycle of depletion and perpetuating the system imbalance. In the meantime, these same chemicals are killing off earthworms, which eat soil and produce a richer fertilizer than can be manufactured!

The Environmental Protection Agency lists 60,000 of the 70,000 chemicals produced as being potentially dangerous to our health. Hundreds of millions of pounds of pesticides are added annually to the billions of pounds already in the ground, which in turn leach into the cells of the foods that we will be ingesting. To top it off, food plants grown in chemical-additive soil contain more carbohydrates and are lower in protein and minerals. The chemical fertilizers can also cause a severe lack of magnesium in plants, which in turn causes deficiencies of magnesium in humans. This means that the foods we are purchasing are coming to us nutritionally inferior, in their natural state, as a result of their production!

Food plants grown in soil rich in natural minerals and humus have a greater protein content than those grown in chemically fertilized soils. Calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron contents of vegetables from mineral-rich organic soil has ranged from four to many hundreds of times higher than soils chemically fertilized. These foods are more natural, as a direct result of their being grown naturally, and clearly more nutritionally beneficial.

The question is why food manufacturers would continue to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, when the risks appear to outweigh the benefits. It comes down to economics, as usual – organic production requires a little more labor and effort, which in turn can make the cost of production a little higher. By spreading chemicals instead, the result is a cheaper “solution”, with the cost being somewhat hidden in the way of environmental side-effects and our ingesting chemicals not intended for human consumption.

Organic foods, when first introduced, were generally a lot more expensive than their chemically-grown counterparts. What has happened, as a result of consumer demand, is that the supply of more organically-grown foods were requested and purchased, and in turn, the costs have come down. What you have to consider is how much is your long-term health worth? It doesn’t seem to make sense to purchase foods that are nutritionally deficient right off the shelf. The purpose of food is to provide our body the maximum amount of nutrients possible. We certainly don’t eat for malnutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiency, and unnatural chemicals migrating into every cell of our bodies.

What wouldn’t you pay for vitality and the most premium health you can possibly possess?

Debra Augur has studied holistic nutrition for years, put that knowledge into practice, and has a passion to share that knowledge with others who are seeking their own best health. If we are what we eat, are we denatured, devitalized, deficient and potentially toxic? Visit http://www.eat-well-to-be-well.com to learn more, and begin acquiring your healthiest self.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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