Alkylglycerols- Have You Had Yours Today? An Important Addition to Supplementing With Omega 3 EPA DH

Alkylglycerols- Have You Had Yours Today An Important Addition to Supplementing With Omega 3 EPA DH

This often over-looked healing oil ranks up there in importance with Omega 3 EPA DHA.  Alkylglycerols (AKG’s) ought to be blazing across our headlines, too, and while they’ve taken a back seat to Omega 3’s, they are critically important to strengthening our damaged immune systems.

Norwegian fisherman used shark liver oil for centuries for topical wounds, rubbed on their chest for colds, and internally to prevent disease and stay healthy.  97 years ago, scientists from as far away as Japan to the US, began pooling their research together identifying the healing property in shark liver oil as alkylglycerols.  AKG’s were also found in cow’s milk to a small degree, and more surprisingly, when compared to the milk of nursing women, the AKG’s were ten times higher.  

The infinite wisdom of God, Mother Nature (or whatever deity you believe in) placed AKG’s that help a newborn establish a strong immune system in the liver oil of these sharks.  As medical research progressed through the years, healing benefits of AKG’s in numerous diseases, cancer (prostate, ovarian, breast, other tumors) arthritis, allergies, diabetes, asthma, burns, and skin diseases began to be documented in thousands of clinical and patient studies.  AKG’s naturally boost our immune systems to levels we once knew before our environment caused deterioration.  

It has to be a bottom dwelling shark that swims at 3,500 to 5,000 feet below the ocean surface.  This is extremely important for it is these cold water creatures that have developed strong immune systems from their cold underwater environment. They are accidentally netted by deep sea fishermen who harvest their livers immediately.  Having 80 to often 90 babies each year, the population on the ocean floor is teeming and promises to stay that way for decades to come.  And with their livers stretching the length of their 6’ feet bodies, they yield substantial amounts of highly potent AKG’s.

Labs throughout Scandinavian countries contract with the fisherman to procure the livers.  They are then delivered to the lab, hopefully a pharmaceutical grade lab, where the properties are extracted and purified through a molecular distillation process removing PCB’s, heavy metals and pesticides rendering the oil safe and pure for consumption.   As with Omega 3’s, it is essential to know the quality of the lab, the source of the shark and the purification process.   

This often overlooked amazing oil and the healing benefits it offers begs for more exposure in our news today.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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