Winstrol Depot is a popular product used by many bodybuilders and other athletes. It’s main purpose in sport’s use is to gain lean muscle mass and cut the body to appear more muscular and hard. Winstrol Depot is an injectable steroid that shows major androgenic characteristics. It must not be confused with Winstrol, which is available in tablet form only. Winstrol Depot stays in the body longer than Winstrol as the name itself suggests (Depot). Winstrol is an oral steroid, very similar to Winstrol Depot but with a slightly different characteristics.
Winstrol Depot and Winstrol however, are only a brand names of the company Zambon for the products that contain the active substance Stanozolol. In the recent past Zambon was the only manufacturer of Winstrol and Winstrol Depot, but because of the always greater demands and higher restrictions many companies have started it’s own production of Stanozolol products. However different companies use different brand names as the brand name for Winstrol Depot is reserved and copyrighted by Zambon.
Among other companies that produce Stanozolol products, British Dragon is the most reputable. It’s version of Stanozolol is called Stanabol 50. It is available in a 10 ml bottle, containing 50 mg of Stanozolol per 1 ml. This equals the amount of 10 vials of Winstrol Depot from Zambon, but the price for Stanabol 50 is lower. Considering the equal quality of both products the Stanabol 50 has the advantage of being cheaper and available in more suitable vial and it is currently the best product to buy.
There are other companies on the market like Eurochem Laboratories that’s worth mentioning. Their product is called Stanoject 50 and is rather equal to the British Dragon Stanabol 50, but with one major difference. Stanoject 50 does not achieve the high quality of Stanabol 50.
Underground products and fakes
However, the market is full of products developed by so called underground companies and they are offering low quality Stanozolol products or even fakes. Nowadays a lot of fakes are available instead of Winstrol Depot from Zambon, so you have to be very careful if you are buying Winstrol Depot from non-reputable online sources as there is a 90% chance that you will buy an expensive fake product. As the situation is getting worse and there is less and less supplies available directly from Zambon many online pharmacy stores are considering to discontinue the sale of Winstrol Depot (Zambon) in the future. The only substitution for Winstrol Depot at the moment is Stanabol 50 from British Dragon. All others cannot compete, because of the quality measures.
Legitimate products
List of the most important Stanozolol containing products is as follows;
- Winstrol Depot (Zambon)
- Winstrol (Zambon)
- Stanabol 50 (British Dragon)
- Stanabol (British Dragon
- Stanoject 50 (Eurochem Laboratories)
Short Description
Winstrol Depot or Winstrol with a generic name Stanozolol, is a very effective steroid when used correctly. It is important to distinguish between the two different forms of administration of stanozolol, since the injectable Winstrol Depot is distinctly more effective than the oral Winstrol. What is special about the injectable Winstrol Depot is that its substance is dissolved in water which means that Winstrol Depot must be injected much more frequently than the oil-dissolved steroids. Active ingredient Stanozolol prevents Winstrol Depot from aromatizing into estrogens with water retention occurring only rarely, thus giving it a clear role in bodybuilding: preparation for a competition. Winstrol Depot, however, is not only especially suited during preparation for a competition but also in a gaining phase. Since it does not cause water retention rapid weight gains with Winstrol Depot are very rare. However, a solid muscle gain and an over proportionally strong strength increase occur, usually remaining after use of the compound is discontinued. Bodybuilders who want to build up strength and mass often combine Winstrol Depot with Dianabol, Anadrol 50, Testosterone esters or Deca-Durabolin.
With the structural (c17-AA) alteration, the tablets will also place a higher level of stress on the liver than the injectable (which avoids the “first pass”). During longer or higher dosed cycles, liver values should therefore be watched closely through regular blood work. Although less common, the possibility of liver damage cannot be excluded with the injectable however. While it does not enter the body through the liver, it is still broken down by it, providing a lower (but more continuous) level of stress. Such stress would of course be amplified when adding other c17-AA oral compounds to a cycle of Winstrol®. When using such combinations, cautious users would make every effort to limit the length of the cycle (preferably 6 to 8 weeks). It is also of note that both versions of Winstrol® have been linked to strong adverse changes in HDULDL cholesterol levels. This side effect is common with anabolic steroid therapy, and obviously can become a health concern as the dose/duration of intake increase above normal. The oral version should have a greater impact on cholesterol values than the injectable due to the method of administration, and may therefore be the worse choice of the two for those concerned and this side effect.