Well, as you know anti oxidant chemicals exist already in some form or other in your body cells to help prevent excessive oxidation rate. This higher rate of oxidation reactions is a major reason behind cancer propelling mutation in cells. These chain oxidation reactions affect cell components in so many other ways as well. Thus anti oxidants are an essential ingredient that must be present in our cells to efficiently perform their task.
However in certain situations either anti oxidants are not present in the needed amount to effectively curb active oxidation, or they are almost not present in cells due to certain reasons. In such a situation it becomes necessary to consume anti oxidants along with your diet to nullify the effect of deficiency.
Even in normal situation a regulated intake of anti oxidants keep the body in good condition. Oxygen itself is most essential element for our existence but its free radicals which are produced after oxidation are found to be very damaging to the body cells. So every cell is needed to have a control over ongoing oxidation procedure to limit the amount of free radicals.
Different types of anti oxidant perform different protection task. For example vitamin A , C and E are anti oxidants but each of them serve a little different function by affecting specific cells for preventing rate of oxidation reaction. These three vitamins are found in natural products that could be taken as dietary supplement.
Another natural anti oxidant happens to be carotenoids. These are found in carrots, apricot and citrus fruits. This anti oxidant helps in preventing development of cancerous cells.
Green vegetables too offer certain types of anti oxidants. So, green vegetables must be a regular part of your diet.
Two major diseases that could be prevented by using anti oxidants are cancer and coronary artery diseases. It could be also very effective in keeping your eyes free of complications. So, intake of antioxidants is mandatory to keep you in good health condition.