When Dry Skin Puts You In The Hospital


How do you know when dry skin has become more than a problem? How do you know when you need to seek medical attention for what could be more than an itching issue?

There are risk factors that can work against you whether you know it or not. If you are a woman, you have a higher chance of having an issue with dry skin then a man. Men tend to harbor more moisture to their skin than women. Your age will make a difference as well when it comes to the moisture in your skin. The older you get, the drier your skin will become.   Along with many other things that slow down with age, your oil production will start to slow as well. If you are a person who loves the sun, you may eventually pay a price with dry skin. The sun will soak up any moisture that your body produces naturally, so the key to sun worship is protection and hydration.

Lastly, alcohol and drugs are main ingredients to dry skin. Make sure that you do not let your addictions show on the outside of your body while they are affecting the inside of your body.

There are the rare occasions when self help will not work for dry skin. If you are noticing that you are itching so much in the middle of the night that you are losing sleep, you need to seek professional help. Also, if you have large areas of the skin that are peeling or that are scaly a doctor may be needed. You should also contact a physician if you are not noticing a significant improvement in your skin, or if you are noticing inflammation or what appears to be an infection.

If bacteria have crept into an open sore of your skin, you will need an antibiotic to make sure that it improves, and you will not be able to clear it up on your own. There are serious conditions that can result from dry skin that has not been treated such as Folliculitis and Cellulitus. Folliculitus is a condition of your hair follicles, and Cellulitus is a serious infection of the underlying tissues that can enter the lymphatic system and blood vessels. 

If you need to seek medical care you may have to be screened for certain skin disorders. Some of these orders include, but are not limited to: Keratosis Pilaris, which causes small, acne like bumps that are raised and appear on the upper arms, legs, and buttocks; Ichthyosis Vulgaris, which is characterized by thick, fish like scales that cause sores on the palms and soles; and psoriasis, which can be painful and disfiguring, and it is marked by pus filled infected sores that can spread and remain active for years. The screening process is routine and it can be helpful in judging a diagnosis and long-term treatment.      Dry skin is a universal problem, and it is usually easily rectified. Many people live with dry skin for years without seeking any sort of treatment. However, there are always those few who really do not know when to seek treatment, and they will let their condition go on for years. The important thing with dry skin is to keep an eye on the dry areas.

Do not ignore what could potentially be a serious skin condition that could lead to extensive treatment. Make sure to follow your moisture routine and look for anything that is unusual or painful in any way. 

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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