What You Eat Could Be Eating You!


The foods we have been accustom to eating most of our lives could be the reason why we have so many new diseases and could be the reason for existing diseases. Important Please Read!

Mashed potatoes, gravy, fried chicken, peach cobbler, sweet tea, etc. Man alive I grew up eating processed greasy foods and lots of processed sugar. For those of you that know what I’m talking about doesn’t it taste good?

There was a time when people grew their own vegetables and raised their on meat (chickens, hogs, cows, etc.). There was no such thing as steroids in our meats or pesticides being sprayed on our garden vegetables. And there was no such thing as man made fertilizer we used cow, chicken, or horse dung to enrich the soil. Not only did everything taste better it was actually good for you!

I believe the real problem with all the diseases floating around is in the steroidspesticides, and the man made fertilizers. All of these things that are being done are in the process of killing the bugs, pest, and cridders. Of course, if it kills or retards them doesn’t it make sense that it will do the same to us? It is time to wake up and realize we can not continue down this path!   

Many of the stores are now carrying organically grown vegetables and meats. Isn’t it great that we are starting to have choices? Instead of buying steroid meats and pesticide vegetables we can now buy organic grown meats and vegetables. But there is still another problem – The grounds we raise these on are depleted of much of the needed minerals needed to be our healthiest!

“Harvard University doctors now recommend that all adults supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals. This is a result of stress, lifestyle, age, medical history, environmental pollution and diet.” Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA, June 2002) The American Medical Association recommends supplementing our diet with vitamins and minerals. Listen to your Doctor!

It is important that we eat a good breakfast. The most important meal of the day is when we first get up. Eating fruits for breakfast is one of the most important things we can do to start our day. But also taking a good multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, and Omega-3 EPA is very important as well. What we eat is just as important as when and how we eat!

The reason that so many people are sick, tire, and rundown has to do just as much with our lack of proper nutrition as with our food choices. We live in a world where people (both husbands and wives) work and there is not enough time to cook at home or no one wants to cook at home. So what happens is we sacrifice our health and frequent the fast food establishments. This is not good!

There are several things that we can, should, and must do to protect ourselves from contracting diseases that are going around these days:

  1. Eat only organic fruits, vegetables, meats, etc.! No steroids or pesticides in the foods we eat.
  2. Take vitamins and minerals to ensure we are getting an actuate supply of the needed nutrition we need on a daily basis. Remember the Medical Association recommends we supplement our diets with vitamins and minerals!
  3. Read and study books and tapes that will help us understand the importance of what constitutes good nutrition. Also, listen to your doctor when he detects problems you may have in your health. Read and study particular health issues you may have for yourself. Do your due diligence!

I suppose the old adage, “Eat Right, Exercise, and Get Plenty of Rest” goes along way.

It is not just important to eat right and take supplements, but exercise and proper rest are important as well. One of my favorite ways to exercise is to take a walk. Walking is actually better for you than running. Take about 45 minutes out of your day and walk! Not only is this great exercise, but it also helps you to clear your mind. Great Stress Reliever!

When was the last time you got a good nights sleep? I’m talking about 8 hours or more straight through. Most of us are over worked and under paid! No wonder we are stressed out! Take the time to relax and wind down so you can get a good night sleep. I promise you if you do this you will perform at maximum performance!

The most important commodity we have is our health. Without our health we are dead or at the very least wishing it so. Please love yourself and your loved ones take care of your health. At the very least see a physician at least once a year and take vitamins, minerals, and eat sensibly. To Your Health!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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